Chapter 9

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"I see your toy has a new neck piece.. you took my advise for once?"

"I ignored your advice sit down! I did however take my own which just so happened to be remarkably similar!"

Lauren spat back playfully as the two powerful women stood beside a heavy gun rack staring directly into the cage from afar, their eyes wondering over the girls laughing and giggling not yet noticing their presence before the elusive Sam walked quickly towards the cage, immediately Camila came to join with a bored look upon her face, the snarky giggles coming from the man indicating he was trying extremely hard to impress the curly haired princess..

"That perfectly groomed fuck is up to something I swear! He's obsessed with her?"

Lauren shot watching with a furrowed brow as he continued to converse through the heavy set bars, Fallon watched on with an equally as confused glare as she shuffled closer towards her equal to avoid the conversation being over heard by nosing ears

"Agreed, it's like he's trying to make friends with her or some shit? Maybe it's because he knows you guys are up close and personal? If I were you I'd keep an eye on any unusual questions.. maybe he's bribing her for information?"

"Ok he's up to something he's not plotting against me! I'd be able to tell!"

Fallon cocked a brow turning her head towards the elder as she continued to stare, a tint of rage building in her stomach as the conversation continued

"Well what could he be up to then? I mean he has been acting super weird lately? Coming up with all this new information on the spot like a fucking magician?"

"I'm not sure but by god on my side I'll fucking find out! Even if I have to slit his pretty throat! I'm bored watching this shit anyway.. didn't you say I could go play?"

Fallon nod back excitedly as she pulled out a slim note passing it over to the pouting woman beside her who began reading with a smirking glare, she turned back quickly to grab a gun before waving it in front of Fallon's face

"You coming or what?"

"Wouldn't miss it my pretty blood thief!"

Lauren bit her lip at the statement joy filling her veins as the mousy brown followed her down the long hall way towards another room she liked to call her death dungeon.. it was a cold concrete block that held proven criminals to her ring until her gracious body strut to greet them, she liked to handle her own business.. found pleasure in knowing for certain she'd end their mistaken mishaps.. toxic.. yes.. but she didn't care

After a few moments the red heels and flowing dress made ways into the room smiling widely as two guards held onto a dramatically shouting male, his eyes black as if beaten and his clothes dirty.. she watched on for a moment with smugly folded arms before glancing up at a guard for information

"Miss Jauregui, a male claiming to have intel on your ring, he was caught snooping in the crate departments!"

Lauren widened her eyes sarcastically before walking forwards towards the man, her thick black hair pristine and shiny as it brush against her sharp hip bones, every essence of her being back to its extremely intimidating state all thanks to her scuff with Camila being squashed

"Intel huh? Smart man! The floor is yours! Lay it on me Papi! What you got? Drop locations? Packing orders?"

She smirked while the man screwed up his face to spit in front of her feet, the action of threat not tolerated nor enjoyed by the raven as she step forward to slam the back of her gun against his mouth forming a quick line of blood to trickle down his chin with a heavy grunt of pain

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