Chapter 44

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Camila's POV

Lauren was always the one to fall asleep first.. it was like as soon as she closed her eyes she was gone, sparked out like a lightbulb while I laid awake just staring at the ceiling lavishing in the way her soft warm breaths roll over my shoulder she buried herself beside

Usually I enjoyed it, the tranquility of her cute sleeping whimpers and groans, she'd furrow her brows and twitch her fingers against my skin while subconsciously searching for my hand as she dreamt, pretty adorable really..

But the past few nights had been anything but tranquil.. she'd fall asleep and i'd be laying there in my own head unable to calm my thoughts that since speaking to Lena about my past had been wildly present in the front of my subconscious.. my stomach would drop and my throat would burn.. just like tonight as her warm body press against my own, my head began to whirl.. tornado around with snippets of memory

I zoned into this one particular spot of the ceiling just staring while in my head this voice started to hum, it was low and heavy like one I recognised but it was saying things like 'don't move' and 'stop crying' phrases that burnt like lava against my skin while notably a tear fell from my eye, I felt paralysed like I couldn't move.. like my chest began to ache and my legs numb.. I felt my chin crumble up and my lip quiver as in my head all I could fucking hear was 'this is your duty' and 'I'm next' I could feel a hand around my throat and a sharp pain in my knees.. I couldn't figure out what was happening as my tears began to stream

All of a sudden however I found my body lifting from the bed quickly held onto by Lauren who wrapped my leg to straddle her now sitting waist as she lent back against the headboard dragging the blankets over my shoulders before she pressed my arms in between her stomachs using her own to completely cover my back with a pair of lips pressed against my forehead, I don't even remember hearing her move or wake.. I wasn't even sure if she had said anything but somehow now I was laying against her half sat body that could barely keep her eyes open.. I stopped crying.. stopped hearing the voices as her the sound of her heart beat against my ear drowned them out.. she'd fallen asleep already as if the move was done in a half dreaming haze.. but she didn't let go of me

I woke in the morning alone in the bed, my eyes burning as I sat to see the beaming sun blaring through the window as if already midday, immediately I checked the time noticing it to be 11 panicking quickly before noticing beside me on the pillow a note folded in half with a remote control and the silk black bear she had gifted me a few days previous, I scratched at my eyes lifting the paper into my palms that read

Mi Amor..
Take the day off please!
I put the TV remote on your pillow and charged your phone so you can text me if you need something, I'll come and see you when I get a chance but don't worry I'll handle work today!
Please rest, I love you x

I couldn't help but smile and accept the day off, the new Lauren was one I could get used to as much as I loved to work.. she was changing and I liked it but I didn't want her to loose the fiery side I knew and loved.. I quickly lay my head back down dragging her pillow against my cheek before turning on the TV to pick out a random movie just laying their in my own warmth for what seemingly was a calm quiet hour before the sound of the door opening sparked my attention, in she walked with a beaming smile and a fresh coffee within her palm set down over the night stand as she ventured to sit beside my laying body on the bed

"Enjoying your day off beautiful?"

"Yeah actually.. thank you.. I feel bad though, leaving you with all the work.."

I admit hating the idea of her struggling just to make me happy, her emerald eyes smiling back at me however gave me nothing but reassurance as she reached her velvety fingertips over my forehead pushing back a few stray hairs that had crept across my face

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