Chapter 15

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The next day Camila found herself well rested and ready to confront Lauren about the new information found out only a few hours previous, with no text or invite she was only hoping the woman would be alone... she was.. her thighs strut into the office receiving a small smile in response as the emerald orbs looked up defensively leaning back in her chair to swallow back briefly

"Hey.. listen I'm sorry for not texting.. I haven't slept yet I've been working this shit out all night.."

"It doesn't matter, I had company anyway.."

She spoke bluntly with a tinge of sadness littering her sweet voice eliciting a raised brow from Lauren who knew instantly something was wrong, just judging by the girls stance and tone of voice it was only evident the surprise visit was not about sex

"Did someone say something to you?"

"Yeah actually.. I was told you lied? About why you don't want me coming to Cuba with you!"

She shot with a deathly tone causing Lauren to lift from her chair to approach the younger with extended arms abruptly shocked as the caramel beauty stepped back with a lowered head rejecting the embrace boldly to look back into the green orbs

"Please don't go.."

Camila continued in a begging tone that fell weak and shaky as Lauren locked eyes with her soul, the hurt and pain evident in her voice as she shook her hands by her sides, the furrow in her brow heartbreaking even to Lauren of all people

"Camila I-

"Please Lauren! I'm begging you!"

She interrupted, the hurt in her heart playing out like a drum on repeat as she stare back at the woman she had grown to love with every ounce of her being.. she couldn't face never seeing her again..

"Camila I have to! This shit won't just go away if I stay here.. you have to understand that?"

"So what you're just gonna give yourself up? Let them kill you? What the fuck is wrong with you!"

The younger spat using her palms to push the woman back gently in an emotional eruption of begging sorrow, a tear forming in her eye as she fought to keep her new love safe in her place, but Lauren had made up her mind.. she was going no matter what.. with or without Camila's permission

"It's not definite that I'm gonna die!"

"But it's a possibility Lauren! You can't do this! This isn't you.. I haven't known you that long but from what I've gathered you're not the bitch to walk into your own fucking funeral!"

Lauren fell back at those words, they were filled with pain and the new running tears on her cheeks only leaving her with a heavy self induced guilt, the sheer rasp in the younger girls tone sharp and hard hitting in ways Lauren had never imagined.. this was exactly why she hadn't wanted her to find out in the first place

"Camila if I don't do this they will come here! Destroy everything my family has worked years to build! I have no fucking choice! Either way they will get the upper hand on me! But if I play it smart I can get it back! You have to trust me!"

"I trust you! It's them I don't trust! You can't die Lauren.. we're supposed to be together can't you see that?"

Camila cried her body backing into the couch behind to slump into her lap, every muscle aching as the elder fell towards her kneeling in front with a grabbing hand that hooked around her slim wrists

"Camila we will always be together! No matter what do you hear me? My heart is yours.. that won't change!"

"They put a bullet in your head I don't get to have you anymore! Why can't you see that!"

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