Chapter 38

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Camila after a long day found herself walking back to her room only anticipating a sleeping Lauren who showed nothing of the sorts when the door opened to reveal her sitting over the bed with a silk black robe covering her full Cuban curves, her smile beaming amongst the dim lit lights while Camila huffed out a small shocked gasp, the mood of the room seductive yet calm as she kick off her heels to close the heavy door

"Lauren what.."

"Come take me robe off.."

She demand seductively leaning back against her palms while the younger walked forwards with a smirking smile, her delicate fingertips reaching to untie the string before gently pulling back the silk material, her lips gasping happily as before her sat the full body in a pair of sexy black lace underwear, fine detail and sheer fabric eliciting an excited look from the younger who gazed up with a picture perfect smirk

"You look so fucking good right now Lauren.. oh my god.."

Her fingertips fell over the toned abdomen trailing the line of her stomach lavishing in the warmth that carry through into her palms, desire already burning before a pair of hands reach forwards to place a single kiss into the centre of the younger girls chest, the slim slit in her dress allowing for a shiver to be noted before the shoulders began to drag down revealing her own lace underwear

"I think I'm ready to get back to normal.."

She began trailing her blood red lips over the soft sweet scented skin of her chest, the valley between her breasts peppered with hot open mouthed kisses that left her hands falling forwards onto the toned shoulders in front

"Kiss you and fuck you like before..."

She continued using her teeth this time to pull back on a piece of flesh that elicit a lip growling whimper, nothing but hot air between them and heavy firm hands wrapping around the curves of her waist pulling her closer with every press of her lips

"Seeing as how my baby loves to be dominated lately"

Lauren husked with a deep rasping slam that left the younger rolling her eyes back into her head with a breathy lip biting moan, the sound of her words so seductive and promising she couldn't help but become aware of her own wetness pooling between her caramel thighs

"I'm glad you know what I'm wanting.."

Camila smirked with a subtle eye down into the green orbs that now completely discard of her dress against the floor, her strong hands reaching now to pull her fluently against her back sinking deep into the sheets before crawling up to hover her with a passionate kiss, one that lead for mischievous heavy exploring hands and breathy gasps of panting desiring air

"There's a lot of things I could list that you want.."

She rasped leaning down to trail kisses along the line of her jaw directing down into her ear as her own thighs spread the girls legs beside her, the leaning forwards of her hips forcing her own crotch to press against the Youngers

"Like some good.. drawn out.. teasing head..."

She husked sending a shiver into the younger Latina's spine, the throb between her legs now heavily present as she lift her palm to direct the chin in the directions she desired

"Or a little bit of punishment... spanking.. biting.. hair pulling.."


Camila moaned rolling her eyes back once again feeling the hot kisses grow deeper and heavier with every touch, the sensation of her tongue gliding over her skin sending shivers down into her legs

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