Chapter 18

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Lauren sat aimlessly working as she so often did, her emerald orbs buried in the hard print documents while her palm mindlessly tucked through various consolidation terms.. boring wasn't even enough of a word to describe the mundane tasks.. after a few hours of gravelling however a heavy weighted man came storming through into the room with a look of grievance plastered over his chubby features forcing Lauren to sigh reluctantly to lift her eyes in his unwelcome direction

"Daddy.. pleasure!"

"Cut the bullshit Lauren! What the hell were you thinking agreeing to work with the fucking Black Masks of all people!"

He yelled with a pointed index finger and blush red rage filled cheeks, his entire body shaking with anger as Lauren didn't so much as move an inch.. she sat smugly knowing this conversation was to come... knowing that she would win

"Tone your fucking mouth down with me daddy, you forget this Mafia is mine! Not yours, I do what I want with who I want and there is not a single thing you or your smart lip can do about it!"

"I built this empire Lauren! Use your head for once in your life! Our ancestors have been neck to neck with the Black Masks for years! You think it's funny going behind your cultures back to ruin it all by making friends?"

Lauren rolled her eyes, she predicted every word that came from the man's mouth as he wasn't exactly one for an intellectual conversation.. she knew however this was strange as she herself hadn't yet quite caught up but she wasn't going to change her mind.. not when it came to Camila anyway

"Neck to neck because greedy fucks like you want everything in your back pocket! Well I don't! Me and Camila are running this shit flawlessly if you haven't already noticed and you know why? Because we built a relationship! A joint empire that takes more balls than it takes to shoot another person dead! YOU use your head!"

Lauren yelled back lifting from her chair to walk around in front of her father, the burning rage in her stomach hard to tame as this was no longer a fly by argument, it was about Camila.. and that made things extremely personal as Lauren knew her judgment to be solid, with the Black Masks under her leadership they were no longer enemies but instead partners.. mr Jauregui didn't feel the same however.. he only furrowed his brows with a boisterous step that Lauren refused to back away from

"Your are an embarrassment to this world Lauren! A blatant fucking embarrassment! You must be brain dead to believe that this is a good idea in any such form! Camila is nothing but a sleazy washed up waste of space that will ruin you and this entire company into the ground!"

He spat aggressively angering Lauren more than she knew how to deal with, her palms grew sweaty and her chest tight as she part her lips with a brief moment of pause, every fibre in her body wanting nothing but to pull the gun behind her and end his sick twisted life

"Camila is the smartest most talented fucking woman I have ever met! She saved my life and this stupid Mafia! Without her this joint would be burnt to the fucking ground along with your piss take of a reputation! So I suggest you watch your dirty fucking  mind and keep her name OUT of your mouth if you value the wasted breath in your lungs!"

"You have no idea what's good for you! You're young, power hungry and extremely out of line! I regret whole heartedly the day you were born! Nothing but a wasted opportunity for success! I was a good father to you Lauren! A humble one too! But you wouldn't know respect if it hit you in the face!"

Lauren froze for a moment at those harsh words, her burning chest now heavy as if filled with concrete while the man in front showed little remorse in his choice of phrasing, she hated him anyway but now this only felt like war.. she paced forward lowering her tone into a deep rasp as she respond back with the most damaging of techniques.. the reliving of the truth..

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