Chapter 46

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The day after Lauren's discovery was hard.. her mood was low making it hard for her to be the same supportive girlfriend she had normally been.. the painful shared looks knowing of her doing and the subtle tension between them making for a harsh environment even for the boy who had heard everything from behind the door..

"You didn't get coffee this morning?"


He replied bluntly as Camila jerked on her breath with an open jaw at the low blunt tone the boy had issued as he slump down into the couch with a burning angry stare that directed itself into the floor leaving Lauren to only raise a brow at the moment of disrespect

"Excuse you? She asked you a question and you reply with no? What did you hit your head this morning?"

"I said no because I didn't make her coffee! What else did you want me to say!"

Lauren's eyes widen in anger at the aggressive tone.. not knowing what had caused it didn't seem to register as a query as she slam from her desk to pull him harshly from the couch and onto his feet, the blush in his cheeks unknown of anger or intimidation....

"You best go and fucking apologise! Then get the fuck out of my sight!"

"I'm not apologising to her! She doesn't deserve coffee!"

He spat with a growling lip leaving Lauren not knowing entirely what to do.. she wanted to slap the disrespect from his body but also wanted to know of the reasoning behind his aggression.. he was never angry.. not really anyways, usually he was happy and funny but there was something off about him today.. Lauren removed her hands from his shoulders instead placing one around his chin pulling the furious gaze into her line of vision before furrowing her brows with a deadly serious tone

"I will give you 5 seconds to remove yourself from this room because any longer and I will seriously slap the living shit out of you! I don't know what is wrong with you today but I'm not fucking into it! GO!"

She hissed with a tone so deadly the boy bolt from her grip to slam from the room, his barging shoulder hitting Fallon as she passed in the hall causing her to turn quickly with eyes towards the office that upon entering felt terrifying.. Lauren was angry.. Camila was quiet..

"What.. did I just walk into?"

"Marco! Disrespectful little fuck! Swear he must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed! Well too bad for him so did I!"

Lauren threat back slamming into her chair before the mousy brown hesitantly close her lips, the tension thick and not at all comfortable as she threw her forehead into her palm... nothing seemed to go right that day.. not even when the younger felt confident enough to deal with a stray guard on her own.. admittedly she put a bullet through the thick bone of his skull but after she was left shaking like a leaf unable to catch her breath.. those voices returned and that pressure in her chest painful..

She ran into the common room pulling a small bag from her pocket before laying a sprinkle over the back of her hand pressing her nose against the surface to inhale deeply.. squinting eyes and a gentle grunt.. she didn't enjoy it but her blood settled.. her mind eased..

"So I didn't hear it wrong.."


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