Chapter 17

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A long week had passed, Lauren and her army had returned back to their HQ leaving Camila back out in Cuba to set up for the new takeover, her arrival pending that day as the elder sat at the desk she thought in her head she'd never see again, her mind was admittedly still hazy but that was a given after Camila's very bold show..

Her eyes lift towards the door noticing her saviour Sam pacing towards her, the gentle smile on his face genuine and almost relieved as Lauren beamed back, her leaning in the chair opening herself up for what was probably going to be a pretty awkward conversation having not spoken since before the negotiation when advised to keep the girl away..

"Baby brother Samuel... you know the likeliness between you two is kind of uncanny now.. I can't believe I didn't see the resemblance.."

"I don't blame you.. it's not like anyone was expecting that kind of a plot twist.."

He laughed back bowing his head slightly as he sat in the chair in front, he was relieved to have the secret out in the open as things had began to fall rather suspicious, the tension around hiding his and Camila's secret conversations deathly and not even the slightest bit comfortable..

"So.. how are you feeling mama?"

"I'm feeling everything right now.. dumb as shit.. happy.. relieved.. scared? I didn't think Camila would ever be scary to me but shit.. she's a real Mafia daughter huh?"

Lauren breathed back.. the moments of Camila revealing herself terrifying as somehow she took on this intense gaze that only proved just how powerful she was.. she was a black mask ring leader and it showed upon her face.. her movements.. her walk

"Yeah well our dad gave us a hard time growing up.. more so Camila being the eldest but I guess it toughened us up! I hate to say it but she's way more psychotic than you are in reality.."

"I'm excited to see the real side of her.. scared but.. excited.. I just can't believe I didn't see it? She's one hell of an actress I'll give her that.."

She sighed feeling rather stupid in the fact that the girl had more than pulled the wool over her green eyes.. made her believe she was terrified and innocent when in reality she was a blood thirsty double.. she only wondered if any of it was true.. did she really love her

"You know.. Camila is insanely intelligent... she memorised 64 12 digit drop codes to feed back to me while living here.. I remember when she first told me about her plan.. I called her crazy, for wanting to lay her life down to protect a woman she'd never met.. but then I met you.. I realised she wasn't crazy, just.. smart"

"I can't believe she did all of this for me though? She didn't even know me a few months ago.."

Sam sighed with a nodding head having it really believed of his sisters intentions at first either.. but it was a 4 year plan that had been executed flawlessly.. every phrase every statement.. planned.. Lauren falling in love however not throwing a spanner in the works Camila quickly had to learn to deal with

"Like she said.. the second she saw your picture she fell in love.. Mafia daughters in charge is rare as you know and I guess she just wanted you for herself.. and trust me when I tell you.. when she wants something.. she gets it!"

"That's very true.. I mean she shot her dad to run this shit with me? Laughed about it too?"

Lauren spoke back replaying that shocking memory over in her head with a fondness, she thought the bullet was meant for her.. thought the girl she loved had crossed her but she hadn't.. she saved her

"Yeah she went kinda of script with that one.. she never told me she was gonna kill him? But that's Camila for you.. impulsive and abrasive.."

"You don't seem bothered? I'm guessing he was an asshole?"

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