Chapter 45

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Lauren's POV

I just watched her, admired as she worked and spoke to people on the phone.. things made more and more sense lately.. people would call her crazy and scary but when you knew the reason why she'd act so fearlessly it was actually kind of sad.. I mean to put up such a front just to stop people taking advantage it can't do anything but harm.. I saw that now, saw the way she struggled and took deep breaths between words, jerked and kept her distance around men.. I even remember back to when she slammed a blade through that guys hand, it wasn't normal it was terrifying even to me.. like it wasn't just some act of intimidation it was an act of evil revenge..

"Princess, you look deep in thought? No sex game killing you?"

Fallon spoke rendering me awake from my thoughts as she strut to hand over a random file I didn't quite have the energy to look at as I gazed up at her with a laughing smile.. the no sex for me thing wasn't a written rule but with Camila's not even motioning to return the favours I wasn't exactly in a position to ask for it.. I was fine to be honest.. I just wanted to make sure she was ok.. I didn't matter right now

"I wouldn't say killing me.. teasing me maybe, where did Camila go anyway?"

"Just down to sort some mouthy guard out.. apparently they were talking about fucking you for breakfast.. I thought it was funny but Miss thing didn't.."

"Wait? You let her go on her own? Are fucking dumb maniac shit!"

I called quickly grabbing for my gun that I cocked within my palm before storming from behind my desk ignoring the scoffing of offence issued behind me as I made my way down to make sure Camila was ok, I could hear her voice thankfully but when I arrived all I saw was one of her hands hidden behind her back squeezing as if anxious only forcing me to make my signature dramatic appearance latching around the back of her neck with a sweet smile that sent the men immediately sitting down into their bunks

"Which one of you wants to fuck this Spanish pussy for breakfast then? Come on speak up? I love a fucking compliment!"

I saw Camila smirk with rolling eyes while the men all glance around at each other with panicking hands, their reluctance to speak expected as i strut boldly from her shoulder into the centre of the room folding one arm under my armpit while resting the other over the top to extend my gun half out in a teasing mockery

"No takers? Whatever then.. I'll pick.. hmm... eeny meany miny moe... which thick fucker wants to go?"

I teased singing out while pointing gun around at random men, their faces all squinting with every direction of my palm before I land upon a poor probably innocent guard, his head bowing in fear as I strut towards him more so encouraged by Camila's now cackling laugh as she watch on at the plea.. her laugh was like liquid gold.. something I longed to hear so.. I would prolong the little game for as long as I could

"Looks like it's you.. you wanna fuck me?"

"N-No Miss Jauregui!"

He whimpered while I smile back reaching forwards to grab him from the bed pulling him down onto his knees while funnily enough his arms instantly raise beside his face in an act of defence I wasn't really interested in... my hand fell down into his hair pulling back his head to stair up at me with a reluctant scared gaze

"Why not? I taste so good? You trying to offend me now?"

"N-No! I swear!"

He panicked giving me a reason to glance at Camila who showed laughing behind her palm, the smile on her face like magic as I stare back down at the man dragging his head forwards only inches from my crotch still looking up at me with now shaking palms, the rest of the room dead silent and blatantly making efforts for me not to call them out.. hmm

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