Chapter 27

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That night both girls spent more than a few hours talking in detail about their previous weeks worth of drama, the explanations and understandings of their tempers helping bounds to heal the broken bond, Lauren had even confided in Camila to detail much of her experiences with both her father and the guards who had caused the mess in the first place.. as hard as it was to talk about she only felt better after doing so as the younger set down some major groundwork for proving herself worthy of her time.. not that Lauren was really mad anymore but still she was wildly exposed and the younger was more than aware of it and her actions

The next day one that for the time being felt fresh, Lauren hadn't had a nightmare and Camila had for once became the big spoon, as much as the elder would hate to admit it, last night all she really needed was a cuddle.. her hesitancy for the human contact still a little off however but still managed to embrace in the gesture

Camila sat at her desk writing over some old documents before lifting her eyes to notice Fallon's body walking through with a blank vacant glare, her eyes refusing to meet and her stature pretending the girl not to be present only eliciting the innocent question

"Is... everything ok?"

"Fine! Thanks!"

Fallon spat back coldly shocking the younger as usually the woman held nothing but jokes and fun, today she was sarcastic and blunt.. her tone like sandpaper and her body language like that of a statue.. rigid and lifeless, Camila set down the pen in her hand just examining the way she filtered through Lauren's desk, pulling together sheets of paper with a vibe so off it made her feel wildly uncomfortable

"You sure? You're acting kind of weird?"

"Am I? Huh.. funny!"

She spat again, the same rasp the same cold tone, nothing about her oozed friendliness which only lead the younger to sit forwards on her chair slightly wondering if it was just her or the general mood of the day.. she assumed it to be her.. she couldn't really blame her either

"Fallon me and Lauren made up.. you don't have to be angry anymore?"

She spoke softly, hope riding in her voice while Fallon turn around to walk sharply towards Camila's body using only her manicured fingers to lift her by them hem of her dress to stand, the taller stature towering over her while her wide eyes and patronising glare powered through her train of thought

"Just because you two forgave each other doesn't mean I have to forgive you! I don't follow orders like that!"

"Fallon I- I don't get what you're so mad about right now?"

Camila almost asked with a tone that offered nothing but sincere confusion which regrettably only left Fallon more angry than ever as she stuttered out a few syllables before pausing with her hand over her mouth to calm herself, the urge to reach out and slap the younger vividly playing in her mind

"You know when you two were having sex... and she was uncomfortable.. did you not think to stop?"

Camila's face immediately dropped at the mention of those words, she'd thought about those few moments non stop since they'd happened and only beat herself up about it in response, the last thing she needed now was Fallon joining in with the punches especially after her and Lauren had spend the majority of the night talking it over

"I- I didn't know she was uncomfortable at first.. Fallon I swear?"

"So her jerking and tensing up underneath you, that didn't read uncomfortable to you?"

Fallon shot with a sharp remarkably heavy tone that left the younger with now sweating palms, her brown orbs quickly filling with water as she stood so exposed in what had been eating her up for a few days now.. she really genuinely didn't believe her to be uncomfortable.. she wasn't a monster

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