Chapter 28

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After what seemed to be a perfect meal with flawless talk both girls head back down to their room with fresh smiles and a new love grown stronger by the let down of emotional power walls, the wide opening of the door revealing the now dark glow only illuminated by the glimmering outside moon

"You look beautiful Lauren.."

Camila spoke as she discard of her dress across the back of a plush black chair, her smile beaming as Lauren blushed in response working to remove her own that instantly exposed her fully naked chest, the younger enjoyed the few red silks that lead no room for a bra.. perfect viewing considering the the face that went with it, Lauren began to walk forwards instead of responding grabbing gently for the girls hips in front to drag out another passionate kiss, one that this time followed with her tongue pressing past Camila's lips boldly as if asking without a word for something they'd been holding off for days

The younger accepted the advance as her own hands lift to lightly caress the Ivory bare back, smooth silky skin that rippled over her toned muscles moving gently every time their hot sloppy breaths grew present, in the moment there was no sound sexier than that of their clashing lips and tangling tongues but Camila still felt the need to pull away just to make her peace

"Are you sure? We don't have to do this yet Lauren.."

She asked softly before feeling a warm hand lift to cup her cheek falling back into her hair with a smile before leaning back in to press their lips together, a small pull away whispering 'I'm sure' against her mouth, the younger was satisfied with the answer even judging by how freely she was stood and moving so reached quickly down for her hand to lead her back onto the bed, her caramel body now hovering over Lauren's laying stature that smile back wanting like while they reconnect with a deeper more heated kiss

Lauren's hands began to move unlike the other night dragging up the back of the toned thighs and over onto her ass grabbing two firm handfuls that elicit a panting moan back into her mouth as she pull her hips down to press against her crotch, the hot clashing of their lips mesmerising and so deep that both felt a familiar wetness beginning to grow, unusual given their normal bedroom habits but slow and sensual had to at some point make its appearance

"I missed touching you like this.."

"I missed kissing you like this.."

Camila respond with a smile reaching down slowly to pull back on the elders lip between her teeth lavishing in the way a pair of hands grip firmly around her rib cage, the touch seductive yet passionate as she moved to plant her lips deep into Lauren's neck eliciting a moaning head tilt accompanied by a subtly back arch that pressed up against her straddling hips, she remained there simply peppering the area with hot open mouthed embraces, small bites and tender strokes of her tongue listening out for the whimpers and moans that followed just to make sure she really was enjoying it before raising up only slightly to whisper into her ear

"Are you ok?"


"Promise me.."

"Yes baby.. please just keep going.."

She almost moaned back Sliding her hands down to grab again for the plump Cuban ass cheeks pulling them down against her pelvic bone as the hot lips return back to the place she had wanted them, the younger felt comforted by the motions, it felt different than the last time they were intimate.. they moved together and moaned in unison, Lauren explored her skin and gently scratched in response to the tiny bites below her ear gasping in pleasure every time the younger girl grind her hips into her pelvis

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