Chapter 39

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"What are you eating?"


Fallon respond bluntly as she sat comfortably upon the leather couch while Marco took it upon himself to lay across the table directly in front, the lack of orders from Lauren leaving him only to bother anyone without a serious look of business.. Fallon being the chosen victim

"What flavour"


"Can I have some?"


Immediately the boy shot to stand on the table looking down with furrowed brows and a loud gasping mouth, his diamond wrist flailing like a tantrum ridden toddler as he watched his sister figure smirk with a mouthful of spongy goodness

"WHY! I'm growing I need to eat!"

"Then eat your own food? Boy this is MY cake!"



The woman respond bluntly shoving yet another mouthful down her throat as the 18 year old began slamming his feet into the table with a thrown back head, the sad fact he wasn't getting his own way leading to a perfect tantrum that the elder only watched with a subtle laugh

"But I'm hungry!"

"There is an Apple right over there.. help yourself!"

"Yeah because I'm gonna eat an apple when you're sitting there eating fucking CAKE!"

He yelled as if angry for no apparent reason other than the fact the woman in front wouldn't share her food, the sharp heels slamming into the room however forcing him to look beside him to notice the mysterious woman from yesterday, Lauren's apparent aunt that immediately strut to the edge of the table looking up at the gulping boy with an eye that remind him of the boss he had wrapped around his pinky finger

"Now I suggest you get your sneakers off of this table and cut the tongue! Sugar is the last thing you need right now so like the beautiful woman said.. if you are hungry.. there is fruit right over there!"

She spat in a strangely seductive Latina accent that left even Fallon to raise a brow thanks mainly to the random compliment she didn't expect to receive from the familiar looking stranger, Marco stepped down sheepishly from the table reaching for the apple before slumping into the floor taking a large deliberate bite while his brows furrowed into an oblivion of frustration

"Excuse me.. who are you? I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say your a relative of Lauren's because let me tell you.. those genes are remarkable.. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere! Fallon by the way!"

"Lena, Lauren's aunt.. nice to meet you Fallon! I must say whatever bloodline you came from had to at least be that of royalty? Those cheek bones are really something else!"


Both women immediately glance down to the now furiously chewing boy who had gotten himself so worked up he had began to turn red in the face, angered bites and slamming feet issuing a sigh as Fallon stood to greet her side looking down on the boy with a gentle eye roll telling a thousand unspoken words

"Sorry about him... you know when you adopt a puppy that has a brain malfunction and it barks when it's not supposed too.. runs into walls and climbs the stairs backwards? That's him..."

Fallon laughed lavishing in the way the boy issued a stern pair of death eyes that almost lead to him lifting from his spot to retaliate however the sharp heel that pin his hand to the floor stopped the outburst with an immediate effect before her pencil skirt allowed her to sink down in front of his furious knees and heavily panting chest

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