Chapter one

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Episode One: Stop Right There Evil!!

What a beautiful evening.

The sky was clear blue with light puffy cloud invading the sky, the breeze was gentle, giving off the right amount for a good breath of fresh air.

In one school, it was constantly buzzing with students getting ready for their after club activities. The sound of a ball hitting a metal bat rung through the school and the others chattered with one another about their school plans. Wasnèt it a peaceful day? Well, almost peaceful.

At the deserted part of the school, in an alleyway, a group of males pushed a timid looking boy, trapping him between the wall and them. All of them sneering at the boy who was shaking badly.

"Are you deaf? I said give us all of your money!" Shouts an older and stronger boy who seems to be the leader of the group, striking his face for the enjoyment, relishing the fear radiating from the smaller boy's body who was shivering, utterly terrified.

"I-I don't have any..." He stutters, voice cracking in between. He was even afraid to even talk about to him, let alone defy his orders, he just wanted to cry and collapse on the ground.

The leader glared at the boy causing him to squeak in panic. The boy then grabbed the collar of the smaller boy's shirt, sneering in leadership. The difference in size was huge, and the small boy could do nothing but beg for mercy, but even that didn't work. 

"Huh? What?" He scoffed, planting an ear beside his mouth, hearing the panics and stutters of the smaller male. "Do you want to die!? I know you have money, rich brat! Give it to us or we make you!" He began to yell to intimidate the boy.

The timid boy began to cry clutching the bully leader's arm that gripping his collar, "I-I really don't have any!! You already took it this morning!" He says between his choked sobs.

Instead of feeling any sympathy, the leader only grips his collar harder, practically choking the poor boy. "Ohhh~ Look, the nerd is talking back."They all laugh mockingly, "I don't give a shit, give us your money or I'll smash your face in!"

From the fourth floor of the school building, a [ height ] teenager was currently walking through the empty hallways when they heard the yell and the threatening words of a singular voice and tone, changing their direction toward the window, sliding it open to observe.

They had a [ hairstyle ] [ dark colour] hair that faded to [ light colour] hair, they're hair ruffled from the soft breeze, [ bright colour] and a ring of a [ warm colour] aura surrounding their [ eye colour ] irises peering down the building, peering at a specific scene happening. They blink a few times, their thick [colour] eyelashes hit the bottom eyelids, searching for where that racket was coming from. 

"Come on! Hurry up!" The leader says, getting quite impatient, and when he didn't answer, he slaps the boy's face, hard, letting go of his school collar in the process, but form how rough he was, his collar was basically a wrinkled tissue, his strength was nothing to the victim.

The boy began to back away, crawling all the way back until his back hits the concrete wall, covering his face with his arms, pleeing, begging him to let him go free.

"N-n-no please! Stop!" The leader of course ignores his plead and raise his hand, clenching his fist together, preparing for another strike. The pleasure of bullying someone was coursing through the bully's brain until someone had to ruin his fun. 

"Stop!" The yell from certain someone makes him stop his hand mid-air, glancing around to glare at the voice owner when he couldn't find anyone in his space other than his gang of groupies. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger, that someone that interrupted his fun.

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