Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Not Really Chaos

What a boring world this is...

It's nothing like that idiot son of mine said...

This world is worth nothing other than madness...

Nothing interests me...

"You cheater!!!" A young boy yells out as he slams his tiny fist on the tall person's lower arm, scaring the woman standing next to them. The boy looks upon the person with teary eyes, pouting.

"Umm, who is this?" The woman asks, sweating a bit from the look the boy gave to her. Just before the tall yet attractive person can answer, the boy points at her and says loudly, "I'm their fiancee!"

The woman quickly retracted her moments, "F- fiancee?!" She looks at the two, judging them silently. 

The boy puffs his cheeks and stomp on the ground, "That right!! So back off!!" 

The woman began to get flustered because of the attention the group have gotten from the passerby, causing her to quickly walk away, leaving her date. The person sighs crouching down. Even with that, they were still taller than the boy that they had to tilt up his head so he was able to see his face. "That my tenth date, you fuck up." They said, didn't bother to censors their swear words.

"Then stop going on dates with random people!! You have me!" The boy huffs in anger.

"Yeah, I don't want to go to jail." They smirk, showing their sharp almost canine teeth and ruffling the boy's hair. " You need to stop with marrying me thing kiddo. I'm too old for you." They tell the boy, sliding their hand down, having it resting on the boy's chubby cheeks.

He just shakes his head furiously. "No. You are mine, so you have to be my spouse!" The boy smiled widely, "When I grow up, I want to marry you so you can stop destroying the world."

The boy's words had them narrow their eyes. The once orange eyes glowing bright green. "Hooh~ Sacrifice yourself from some useless dream, human?" They slid down their hand on the boy's shoulder before grabbing his tiny and fragile body by the neck. "What makes you think I stop destroying the world? This dream is useless to me." The way they spoke now was different. The sweet kindness was gone, it was harsher, avoidant of any emotions, yet the boy in front of them was fearless, only staring at the person with a smile on his face.

That expression makes them chuckle, releasing the grip on the boy's neck, but their long fingernails still on the boy throat, "Well, fine. I stop hooking up with random persons. But let make a deal..." The boy looks at them with confusion, "Until your seventeen, let see if you still 'love' me. I'll make you my husband and I'll let this wretched world go."

They then press his nail on the boy's skin, breaking the surface and drawing blood. The blood didn't trickle down but instead, it starts floating around, forming a symbol. An eight-point star, on the boy's cervical.

" Your mine now, human." He hisses. "Entertain me and make this useless dream world of mine worth it."


"Please stay back!" Warns one of the police as they try to hold the forming crowds and journalists. They already put out a 'keep out' tape in front of the cinema, yet all of the citizens still want to see what happens." It seems like the victims were high school students." The officer says on his walkie-talkie.

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