Chapter six

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Chapter Six: The Quarrel Between Two Schools

What a beautiful day on Jujutsu tech. The sky was a clear blue yet large clouds covering the sky. Giving the shadows when they passing by, sometimes even covering the sun.

Kugisaki bent down from her waist, taking the canned drink she had just bought from the vending machines, "Couldn't they put in few more vending machines?" She complains, now wearing a tracksuit rather than her usual school uniform.

A few feet behind her was Fushiguro, glancing at her at the vending machine with both hands in his pockets. "They can't. There are only so many workers who can come in here." He tells her.

They then decide to go back to their senpai's when the two saw two unfamiliar people standing in front of them, blocking the way. One of them was a young woman that had mid-length black hair that reached down to her neck, having dark eyes and thin eyebrows. She along with the other guy beside her was wearing the dark-blue school uniform consisting of a traditional long-sleeved jacket and a long skirt with dark shoes.

Beside the female was a young but way taller boy with a tall and very defined muscular build. He had shoulder-length black hair that tied into a top ponytail and small black eyes. One of the male most noticeable features is the large scar running down the left side of his face.

"What are you doing here, Zenin-senpai?" asks Fushiguro, having Kugisaki look at him in awe. "Oh, she's one, too?" She asks, recognizing the family name of Zenin. "They do seem similar. Are they sisters?"

"They're twins."

The female smiles seductively. "Don't call me that, Fushiguro-Kun. You make me sound the same as Maki." She then winks at the male, "Call me Mai."

"So these are the pinch hitters for Okkotsu and the third-years?" The male that had been silencing himself finally spoke snarling.

"We came here with the principal because we were worried about you. Your classmate died, right? Was that rough? Or did you think nothing of it?" Mai smiles. It was no sympathetic smile but a mocking one. The two narrow their eyes at the students. "What are you trying to say?" Fushiguro challenges the two, feeling quite offended.

A light hue of rose colour appears on the female cheeks, "It's okay. Some things are hard to say out loud. So I'll say it for you." Her smile widened, seemingly enjoying taunting the two first years. "'Vessel' makes it sound nice but it just means he was a half-curses monster. Having such a tainted, inhuman being beside you brazenly calling himself a Jujutsu sorcerer must be revolting, right?" She chuckles, "Aren't you feeling better now that he's dead?"

A murderous expression appears on the two. They were furious at what Mai just said. It was okay if she wanted to insult them but to think she dares to insult their dead friend in front of their face. They were both ready to throw hands. Somehow, they two were hoping that you were here, knowing how protective you were on Itadori that you would surely put the female in her place. Not afraid to throw a punch at the female.

"Mai, don't bring up such a pointless topic." The muscular male cut her off, walking toward the two first-years, "I'm only here to see if these guys are fit to take Okkotsu's place." He then tosses away his jacket, "That's all I want to know."

Fushiguro put up his guard when the male is looking at him, "Fushiguro, was it? What kind of woman is your type?" The tall male asks seriously.

This had the two confused, tilting their head to the side in silence. The tall male continues, "Depending on your answer, I'll beat you half to death right here." He then grabs the collar of his shirt, pulling on the fabric and tearing his shirt apart. "And drag Okkutsu, or at least the third years, out to the exchange event." Fushiguro tightens his eyes when he saw a wide grin on the other male. "By the way, my type is a tall woman with a big ass."He put his left arm out and pull the other back, flexing his muscles.

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