Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Hero's must smile even on the darkest days

The sound of the crickets filled the silence, even though it supposed to be a sunny day, the atmosphere was damp. The sky is clear with a few clouds, and the sunshine bright. For the other, it seems like it the best day to go out, hanging with friends, eating and drinking cold beverages and food. Yet, for the three students of Tokyo jujutsu tech, they can't even smile or laugh after the death of their friend. 

You, Fushiguro and Kugisaki seat on the top of the shrine stairs. You all haven't been talking about to each other for the past hour, only sitting there. "Sorry for leaving too soon, huh?" Kugisaki the one who broke the silence, letting out a heavy sigh. "What a cliche word." She muttered, glancing at you and Fushiguro who keep silent.

"Is this your two first time having a partner die?" She asks, putting her chin on the top of her palm.

"First time for one my age." Fushiguro mumbles. "I never see my friend die..." They both peer at you, seeing your head was buried in your arms, your body shaking. "I never had a friend before...Yuuji was my first and last friend...." They heard the sadness in your voice. Kugisaki groans, standing up from the stair she takes a seat beside you, "Fushiguro's taking it well. Better than you.."

You glance at her to see her looking away, even though you can see her lips quivering, you know that the two were upset as well, and yet they try to hold back the sadness for your sake. Then why were you still mourning?

You remember that night when Itadori tell you about the death of his grandpa, even though he crying, he still keeps smiling, even when he buried his face on your stomach, your body shaking, he didn't mourn too long. He knows that grandpa will come back to life and smack him if he keeps on like this, then why can't you be like him... After all, what kind of hero you are to giving up so easily like this.

"He going to be mad if he sees me like this..." You suddenly sit up straight, smiling widely, "Heroes can't stop smiling even after losing someone. They must keep smiling to inspired everyone! They must keep the day bright in the darkest day." You say the two look at you before Kugisaki laughs. "Your so weird." She pats your bicep, even Fushiguro smiled a bit from your positivity.

"That's right, heroes shouldn't be mourning, they must keep smiling. If the hero stops smiling who going to bring happiness to others?"

"It's hot, huh?" Fushiguro asks. Changing the subject after a moment of silence from you three. 

"Yeah. Wonder if it's time for summer uniforms."

"I want to go to the beach." You add quietly, leaning to your hand. 

A sound of footstep catches your threes attention, looking straight you see a tall athletic young woman with black eyes and long black hair tied into a ponytail. She had bangs over the left side of her face and sporting a pair of glasses. "What's this?" She asks, looking at you three smugly. "You're looking more glum than usual, Megumi." She says, putting her hand on her waist. "This is wake or something?" She frowns.


"Don't call me by my last name." She warns the boy. "Maki, maki!" Someone else called her name, making her turn around to look at them, behind one of the guardian dog statues was a huge panda and a short boy with light grey hair. 

"I'm talking here." She says toward the two, scolding. 

"Y-you actually don't know why they're so down?" The panda asks panicky, "What are you talking about?" The woman now know as Maki look at them confusedly, "Someone really did die yesterday! One of the first-year boys!" The panda tells her while the other boy nods.

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