Special: Justice Wearing a Skirt

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"Hey, Fushiguro. Have you seen my uniform jacket?" Kugisaki asks the dark-hair boy. He shook his head, leaning on the blackboard, "I don't."

She hummed, glancing around and noticing Panda by the window. "Ah, Panda-senpai. " She calls out for the Panda, repeating the question she had just asked Fushiguro. Panda also shook his head. "No. How about you?" He then asks Inumaki who was leaning on the windowsill.

"Bonito flakes."

"This is weird..."

Seconds later, Maki entered the classroom, looking a tad salty. "Hey! Who took my skirt?" She shouts, narrowing her eyes at the four suspiciously.

"Oh?? Your skirt is gone too? Same with my jacket!!" Kugisaki told the female. Maki sighs, fixing her glasses and walking toward the group. "Geez, luckily I have a spare." She grumbles, taking a seat on the chair. "But if none of you took it, then who did?"

You slam the sliding door open, throwing your arm out while the other clenching into a fist at your waist. "Defender of Justice cutie [ Name ] has arrived!!"

Looking over at you, Kugisaki and Fushiguro choke on their spit when they saw you standing there, you wearing both Maki's skirt and Kugisaki's jacket. Pink dust-covered your cheeks, feeling a tad embarrassed by this. The skirt was too short much to your personal liking and Kugisaki's jacket being too exposed on the stomach area as you weren't wearing a shirt under it.

You look on the ground, feeling your ears burning with red. They all haven't say anything since you arrived, 'Satoruuu!! You traitor!!'

The white hair teacher had told you that he would join you with this idea and yet you don't see him anywhere. You can feel a tear trickle on the corner of your eyes, now a bit self-unconscious.

"Salmon..." Inumaki was the first one to break the silence. You glance at them and see all of them excluding Panda blushing. Maki pushes her glasses up, coughing on her fist. "You're the one who-" It was no good, she wanted to scold you but from the looks on her own face, that skirt was too much, even for her.

Kugisaki studied you upside down, "Geez, if you want to borrow my uniform just say so!" She huffs, crossing her arms across her chest.

Fushiguro covers his mouth, looking down on the floor but stole a few glances at you. The cursed speech user tilted his head staring at you, 'They look cute in it.' he, unlike the others, felt lucky that he could hide his blushing face under his collar. "You look cute on it!" Panda gave you a thumbs up, not afraid to hide his opinion, unlike the others. "The clothes suit you well."

Gaining courage by this you twirl around shyly, "Really? Satoru the one who suggested this!" You smile brightly at them, and for the first time, the students of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech thanked the childish and dumb white hair teacher.


"Nanamin, Junpei look!!" The two males who have been sitting on the couch turn to the door when their name being called. Junpei spits out the drink at the sight while Nanami lets out a tired sigh. You and Itadori, both of you are wearing a skirt.

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