Oh, It's a baseball!!

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'Hello there, miwa the useless here!!'

What a beautiful day today, the sun is high above shining bright while covered by a huge cloud all over the clear blue sky. A gentle breeze blows over to give a cold sensation on this sunny day. Miwa Kasumi raises her hand to fix the cap she is wearing, eyes narrowed in determination as she continues her monologue.

'Even thought I call myself that, I don't think I'm actually that bad. However, while everyone was putting their lives on the line against the special grade curse...I was playing the role of sleeping beauty, so I'm a little embarrassed. Who broke my sword anyway? Mai's sister? After all, said and done, we thought the Goodwill even was over, but after one days of rest, we're...'

Tapping the tip of the baseball bat she holds on to the ground a few times, she then raises it up over her shoulder, "Play ball!!" Gojo yells as Itadori throws the ball back at Maki. 

'... Playing baseball!!!'

It all happened when Gojo decided to call everyone from both schools to gather together. Standing near the door Gojo shoved his hands inside his jacket pocket while seemingly watching all of the students. Some of them sitting on the stairs, while the others gather around the table or couches, and some prefer to stand up but there are two who'd rather sit on the railing on the second floor.

Obviously, it's you and Daiki. Such an extraordinary [extra] one you two.

"So..." Gojo starts after a long time of awkward silence, "A lot of stuff happened, and people even died." Not a really a good start for conversation but it's Gojo Satoru we're speaking about, he doesn't care about the fact that some of the students seemed disturbed by this, "Whaddaya guys think? Should we continue the event?"

Itadori who was standing next to Miwa and Junpei (because he still didn't fully trust Daiki yet) crossed his arms as squinted his eyes at Gojo, "Hm...what kind of question is that?" Other than the pink haired boy, no one bothered to answer the teacher's question.

Except one...

"Then, yeah...we should continue."

All eyes turned towards the speaker, Todo Aoi , who sat across Miwa and Mai with his legs on top of the table and arms crossed. "Todo!!" The said male look back at the others with a confident expression, to which Itadori quickly took a step back because of the previous day of trouble.

"What makes you say that?" If it not because of the blindfold, Gojo would raise one of his eyebrows at the boy.

"First off, mourning should be reserved for those who were close to the deceased. That's none of our concern."

Daiki leans his cheek on his palm before raising his hand lazily, "Agreed, I still don't understand why we should be the one mourning for some strangers." 

"Second, if there were fatalities, what should be expected of us is...to get stronger!"

This time you the one who interject, "I'm already strong, because Justice never has weakness." Which earned a look from all of the students, except Itadori and Junpei who nodded their heads.

Of course, Todo would ignore this and continue, "Acquired strength is dictated by the accumulation of results. To suffer defeat or experience victory- we grow regardless. Results are important because they exist as results."

All of them stayed silent for a few seconds after Todo finished his words, "Todo-senpai is actually pretty reliable." Miwa leant towards Mai and whispered the words.

"Uh-huh, he's reliably crazy." Mai deadpanned.

"Third! The unsettled feeling of having unfinished business during our school days will stick with us until the day we die!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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