Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Sukuna's a Bitch

Fushiguro kneels on the ground, his hands in a fighting position. "Don't move! You're no longer human." He holds out both of his hands clenching his palm, making a fist, "Under Jujutsu regulations, Itadori Yuuji, I will exorcise you as a curse!" His shadow began to circle around him in a terrifying aura.

In a pure panic, you throw your own body on top of the dark-haired male, breaking his concentration. Both of you landed on the ground, him letting out a pained groan when pressing his wound. You wrap your arms around his torso, refusing to let go. "Nope. Nope. Nope! You want to exorcist him. fill a paper and explained his death, I don't want to fill more paperwork!" 

"Oi! Let me go! Your pressing on my wound!!" He flinches in pain when your grip only tightens, Itadori only wanted to pull you away. "[ Name ]?! He's hurt, if you do that it will get worse!!" He was unable to get closer when you two began to struggle.

"What's the situation?" Perking up your ears, the sound of another person has you to stop struggling, taking a good look at those that voice was. Very unfamiliar but familiar at the same time. It belonged to a very tall man with spiked white hair, he was wearing an all-black high-necked jacket with matching pants and dark dress boots, and lastly, a blindfold covering both his eyes that were an unknown eye colour. 

"Gojou-sensei?! Why are you here?" Fushiguro asks frantically, glancing at 'Gojou' with wide eyes. You let him go, crossing your legs in between the boy's legs. The tall male gives Fushiguro a small salute, with his other hand being occupied with him holding a paper bag.  

"Yo." He smiles. "I wasn't planning on coming, but man, you're roughed up." He says, leaning toward the dark hair boy. He then takes out his phone and starts taking pictures of the boy who was bleeding from his forehead. "I should show the second-years." Fushiguro covers his face with his arm turning away, squinting his eyes from the flash.

You blink, peeping behind you to look at Itadori just as confused as you were from this rando person. "The higher-ups wouldn't shut up with a special-grade cursed object gone missing. So I stopped by while doing some sightseeing. So, did you find it?" He asked.

Fushiguro lowers his face embarrassed, but Itadori raises his arm, popping into their interesting conversation. "Umm... Sorry, but I ate it." He tells him.

"For real?" The white-haired boy peers at you for confirmation, which you nodded at. "For real..." Fushiguro then grabs your cheek and pulls it laboriously. "You! You the one that told him to eat it!" He hissed out, you letting out a pained whine, trying to pry his hand away but he only pinched harder. "E-e-e-eehhhhh?! It's huhrtttt!!" 

Ignoring the two of you acting like children, Gojou puts his phone away and walks closer toward Itadori, his nose almost touching together. It seems that from behind his blindfold, he staring right into Itadori's eyes. Itadori blinked in physical unsettling behaviour, debating whether he should look away. 

"Damn, it really did combine with you. That's hilarious." He backs away from the boy. "Anything off with your body?" Itadori looks at his body from head to toe, dusting off the nonexistent dust of his shirtless body. "Not particularly." He answers plainly. 

"Can you swap out with Sukuna?"

Itadori squints at Gojou confusedly. "Sukuna?"

"The curse you ate."

"Oh... yeah, I think I can do that."

With that answer, Gojou began to stretch his legs, cracking a few muscles as you tap Fushiguro on the shoulder. "Then give us ten seconds. Once ten seconds are up, come back to us." He tells him.

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