Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: New Friendships

"He's there!" Ijichi points out for you two when he saw Junpei walking past the zebra crossing, Itadori leans forward from the back seat of the car you three were in to get a better look. You were sitting at the shotgun while Itadori sat at the passenger seat. "Hm? Plainclothes?" Itadori responds in shock, it a school day and Junpei just wearing his everyday clothes and not his uniform.

"It seems like he hasn't been to school in a bit." The older man says.

You look up at him and ask, "So, what are we going to do?"

Ijichi bends toward you and handed you a covered cage in front of your two feet. He placed it on your lap and took off the clothes covering the cage. You study the cage in wonder and picked it up.

"We're going to use those." 

Itadori looks at the two cursed spirits with wide eyes. "Are those Cursed Spirits?" 

"'Fly heads'. They're low-grade curses, ranked below 4th grade, we're gonna have them attack him in a deserted place." You and Itadori look at him in disbelief, yelling out at the same time. "Huh?!"

Ijichi fixes his glasses.

"One: If he's an ordinary person who can't see curses ... Please go to his rescue, Itadori, [ Name ]." He looks at you two, "Two: If he can see the curse but can't deal with it .. rescue him likewise and we'll interrogate him about the event of that day." You glance at Ijichi, "Three: If he exorcises the fly heads with sorcery.." He pushes his glasses up, "We'll restrain him immediately."

You smirk, rubbing the side of your wrist, "By force? "

He nods his head, "By force. If it turns out we misjudged the situation, it's fine. We'll apologize later. However... Four: If Yoshino Junpei is potentially a shaman over second-grade. We'll retreat at once and join forces with Nanami-san."

"If he's second-grade, I think we'd barely be able to handle him." 

Ijichi shook his head, "You'd be right if he was a cursed spirit. Fushiguro-Kun said it last time, usually if shamans get a mission involving a cursed spirit of the same grade... A second-grade shaman is expected to beat a second-grade cursed spirit...which means that a second-grade shaman's true power is close to that of a first-grade cursed spirit." Itadori eyes squinted in confusion,

"...Why didn't I know that before now?" The pink-haired boy asks, processing the information he just got. 

"Well, Satoru-sensei sucks at doing his job." You answer for him. 


When you three arrived at the destination and got out of the car, you, Itadori and Ijichi follow Junpei to what seemed to be Junpei's house.

Ijichi looks side to side in case of people around. Then, kneeling down, he unlocks the cage letting the fly heads out. You then glance over at Junpei and notice there someone else there, "Oi, oi, oi. Wait, wait! There someone here!" Ijichi's head snaps toward the direction and he sees the over-weight male there. 

"Ahh! The fly heads are attacking!" You and Itadori burst out from his hiding spot and he jumps to catch the flying cursed spirit, but unfortunately, his timing was bad, and instead of grabbing the cursed spirit he falls onto the road. The cursed spirit was already near the target and unknown passerby.

You yell out, "Sorry, Yuuji!!" while using the boy's body as a stepping stone. You leap to the air, grabbing the curses spirit and shouting "Gotcha!!" You smile widely when you successfully grabbed onto it, then noticing that Junpei was looking directly at the events that just went down. 

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