Chapter three

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Chapter Three: Justice Never Rests

Relaxing on the top of the railing beside Itadori, you watch one by one citizen walking past the group. "How are there only four first-years? Isn't that too few?" Itadori asks, biting on the cold blue Popsicle he had bought from the nearby store. 

"Well, have you ever meet anyone who can see curses before?" Fushiguro asks a question back at him with no intention of answering Itadori's. "Nope." Answer the pink-haired boy simply replies.

"That just proves how small a minority jujutsu sorcerers are," Fushiguro explains, but unlike Itadori, your full attention was on the dark-haired male.

"Also, didn't you say I was the third and [ Name ] was the fourth?"

You glanced at Itadori, listening in to their conversation when hearing your name had been called. Fushiguro plainly shrugs.  "Their entry was decided a while ago. You know what our schools like. Everyone has unique circumstances." 

Itadori glanced back at his best friend wondering why did you enter this school with him in the first place. About to open his mouth to ask but Gojou's arrival had Itadori hold back his question. "Sorry for the wait." The white-haired male waves at his students. "Oh?" His mouth shaped in an o when his two new students were already in their own uniforms. "You two uniforms made in time, I see." He says, walking closer to the trio.

Itadori grins, signalling his teacher a thumbs up, with the other around his popsicle. "Yeah, it's a perfect fit! Though it's slightly different from Fushiguro and [ Name ]." He pulls on the hood around his neck, indicating the red hood looking scarf. Well, It did look cool on him. 

"It has a hood, for one. And [ Name ]'s looks so. Different." It was true that your school uniform seemed much more different than the other, wearing a hoodie version of the jujutsu uniform. Underneath it, having you a [colour] striped turtle neck shirt with no sleeves, the jacket that was [ dark colour ]. Lastly, having a hoodie that greatly resembles bunny ears. On the bottom you wore [ dark colour ] trousers, and black navy sneakers. 

"That's because the uniform can be customized upon request, "Gojou says having Itadori look at him in confusion. Itadori seemingly glances at you for a moment. "Huh, but we never put in any requests."

Gojou smirks like he had known everything. Well, he did. "I was the one put in the custom order." The spiky-hair boy just shrugs." Whatever, I guess."

"Mhhm, I quite like this look actually." You say happily, clapping your hands together close to your chest in delight. "Be careful, Goujou-sensei has a tendency to do things like that." Fushiguro warns you, whispering in your left ear, you raise your chin in 'oh'. 

"More importantly, why are we meeting up in Harajuku?" Following your teacher, you jump down from the thin railing to accompany your teacher that walked away from the three of you. "Because it's what she asked for."

Itadori who walked beside Gojou points at one of the shops nearby, a popcorn shop. "Hey look! Popcorn! I want some! Come on [ Name ]!!" Rummaging through your pocket, you found your wallet, taking it out then jogging up to Itadori who excitedly skip toward the shop laughing. 

"Oi, don't wander around on your own you idiots," Fushiguro scoffs, seeing the both of you so happy about such a simple item. Itadori grabs the popcorn that was reached out in front of him, handing it to him before walking away, leaving you to pay for it. "Oi! Don't just walk away like that. Did [ Last name ] seriously have to buy it for you?" The dark-haired male glared at his pink hair classmate in disgust. 

You and Itadori peers at the eyes of each other, blinking curiously that this edgelord kid truly cared. "This is normal," Itadori says casually, shrugging. "Ah, [ Name ]! I want those glasses." Before you knew it, the boy had grabbed your arm, dragging you away yet again, though, you laughed seeing him so happy, but tripping over your feet from his speed. 

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