Chapter Eleven: Daoloth VS [ Name ]

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Blood trailing down from the corner of his mouth , Inumaki can see how tense the two males in front of him are. Taking a few steps forward, he grabbed Fushiguro by the shoulder pulling him backwards, the dark haired male looked at his senior with wide eyes. Fushiguro warned the male to stop using his curse technique since the speech curse user is on his limit, yet Inumaki ignored him, stumbling forward he ignored the blood dripping down his chin. Just before he could use his last remaining energy, the cursed spirit they'd been fighting suddenly split into two, blood spraying everywhere around the roof as the copy of Hanami body disintegrated.

The three sorcerer's jaws dropped at the unexpected situation, their eyes landing on a single person landing in the place Hanami was previously, " Tch.. you guys still alive?" Daiki let out a huff , glaring at the three males with a sneer on his face, a bit disappointed that one of them didn't died. 'Well, after all ... ' Daiki glare harden as it land on Fushiguro , disgust clearly appears on his face, 'Grand[pa/ma] feed on his .. love keep stronger.' Just thinking the word making Daiki want to vomit.

Human love, this form of love is tainted, unworthy for a godly presence like you. Human devotion, is a form of worshiping that horrible, disgusting and full of sins. It's something not worthy for you to acknowledge, something not worthy for you to hear. Despite his displeasure of this , what can he do, nothing, since this copy body of you needed a prayer from your worshipers to keep going and it is his job to protect that said worshiper.

"...I hope you die." Daiki declares bluntly while pointing at Fushiguro, who is both confused and offended, wondering why it was his fault for the boy to wish for his death. Shaking his head , Fushiguro ask a question , "Where's [ Name ]?" Daiki eyes darken at the lack of respect Fushiguro put on your holy name but he bites his tongue, " Tch! You disgusting urchin." Daiki scoffed. Fushiguro quickly run his fingers through his hair in pure confusion, his hair is not that bad, right ..?

"[ Bro / Sis ] is fighting one of the enemy. Nothing for you to worry about."

That information making the three males shock " They're fighting ..?! We should help them." Kamo look at the other alarmed , if they three struggling to fight Hanami , what could happen to you who possibly fighting someone more powerful than you. Kamo gasp when Daiki grab his uniform sneering at the male , " My [ brother / sister ] is stronger than that judal cheap copy. They don't need a useless baggage like you three.. well , except Inumaki , he's cool." The said boy gave Daiki a thumbs up.

Daoloth cough out a flat grey blood as he crash into the building, well , more like phasing through the wooden roof , "What the hell?! She said they should be weaker now!" Landed down on the floor , Daoloth quickly run down the hallway to avoid a large green blast destroying half of the building , "This copy should be weaker ! Fragile then the other copy , then why..then why?!" Daoloth let out a gasp when one of his arm disappear from the thin air , a burst of flat grey blood spluttered out from his wound.

"Why do you still have that power?!" Looking up in the sky , he can see there floating on the air are a mass of nothingness, born from the sins of human yet spawns from the nothingness, billions of eyes blinking in poor timing as thought its watching over humanity in this miserable world. "...You mad , bro?" A chuckle echoing through the sound , not like any human hear yet no human can hear, alluring them into a madness that no human had ever survived.

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