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Harry had contacted Pansy and Blaise in secret, and every time that Draco had become suspicious, Harry had silenced him with a kiss here or a caress there.  He knew his hands on Draco would break any concentration that his lover wanted to focus on, and so he used it to his advantage.  What he was planning had to be done so perfectly, he couldn't afford any mistakes.  And Draco, being the sneaky spoiled brat that he was, knew that something was up, but couldn't quite solve the mystery.

Pansy had been excited at the prospect of being included in Harry's plans, and offered to do anything to help him.  Blaise was called in to distract the blond man with his presence, or offer to spend time with him, while Harry was 'working'.  Draco loved spending time with his long time friend, and knew that the more time spent away from Harry, meant that he would more than make it up to him when they were alone.  And so he went with it.

Narcissa was also called in to assist in the final decisions.  She was ecstatic that the Alpha had asked her in the first place, but also knew that Harry wanted this to be perfect.  She was after all the one person who knew Draco the best.  She had given so many ideas, and so many suggestions, that Harry was spoiled for choice.  He wanted to give Draco the world, but also didn't want to be too overwhelming.  

And so he was undecided.  The gifts he had decided on were, in his opinion, perfect.  But to Draco they might just seem either boring or extreme.  He never knew with his lover, but so badly wanted to please him.  To see a smile on that beautiful face, was what Harry wanted.  In the end that is what made him happy.  His mate's happiness projected onto him, and vice versa.  They needed to maintain the equilibrium that he had proposed so many nights ago.  He was so damn nervous, but had to, again, go with his gut.

He wanted to give a gift to Draco every hour on the hour.  That meant twenty four gifts.  The idea had come to him just a few days ago, when Draco had said something about there not being enough hours in the day for him to love Harry.  Harry had hugged him so hard when he had heard those words, and said they had a lifetime to love each other.  Or they should rise earlier and go to sleep later.  They had both giggled at their silliness.

The problem that Harry was having, was in what order he should give the gifts to Draco.  They had to be given perfectly, and this was why he was nervous.  This is what had him on edge.  He had considered asking Pansy what she thought, but no one knew of his idea.  He was the only one who was privy to the knowledge that there would be so many gifts for his lover.  He smiled at the Slytherin side of him.  Nervous but excited, the Alpha status in him started to feel warm inside.

The personal gifts would be given in the privacy of their bedroom, but all the others would be given to him, as a show of his love.  But he wasn't doing this to prove his love for Draco, he was doing it because it was almost his birthday.  He was turning eighteen, and wanted the world to know it.  He was here to celebrate his day with him, and he was going to make it spectacular. 

"Why so deep in thought Harry?", asked Lucius when he saw him sitting outside by himself.  The sun was close to setting, Draco and Blaise were inside going through a new catalogue of sorts, Pansy and Narcissa were in the lounge, whispering about how surprised Draco was going to be when he opened his gifts.  Lucius had asked where Harry was, and he was told that he was enjoying the garden.  And so he went to find him.

Harry turned at the voice.  "Not thinking, just enjoying the view Lucius", he replied with a smile.  When he and Draco went back to Hogwarts, he was certainly going to miss this.  The most beautiful garden that he had ever seen.  This is the garden where everything had started.  He had had his first meeting with Draco and Narcissa here, when he told them that he was going to defend Lucius.  The same garden where he had met Prytus.  The same garden where he had been bitten, and had declared his love for the Slytherin Prince.  Oh yes, he was definitely going to miss the Manor.

"The garden is beautiful this time of day", said Lucius.  "Most stunning, especially the different colors", he said.  Harry nodded his head in agreement.  After pouring himself and Harry a whiskey, they sat in silence for a while.  Lucius watching Harry, and Harry watching the sunset.  It was peaceful, calm and serene.  All the while, Harry was still trying to sort out a list in his mind.

"Madame Bones sent me an owl.  She has informed me that the person who abused you while you were in Azkaban, has been dismissed from duty, and he will never serve the guards again.  He also had to pay a fine, and his wand has been confiscated for four years.  One year for every month that you had to endure in that shitty place", said Harry with a soft voice.  Hoping that his voice didn't sound condescending, but wanting Lucius to know that he hadn't forgotten what he had promised.

Lucius looked again at Harry with wonder.  He had said he would make sure of punishment, and he had.  Being very grateful, a man with his dignity and honor in tact once again, he stood up and shook Harry's hand.  "Thank you Harry.  You have no idea what that knowledge means to me.  You mentioned that you wanted to change some things at Azkaban.  If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to ask me.  I will do what I can", he said with tears in his eyes.

Harry was pleased.  "I will hold you to that Lucius.  There will be changes made.  Drastic changes, and I can assure you that I will need your help.  There is always a reason why people become criminals.  It doesn't mean that they aren't human.  It just means that their circumstances were different.  Many never had the opportunities that others had.  In my dreams, I don't even see a wizard prison.  But I am not naive, I know that there needs to be a place of punishment.  It just doesn't have to be cruel.  I have learned that kindness can accomplish more than cruelty", he answered. 

Lucius replied, "Agreed Harry".

Sipping their whiskey slowly, they once again grew silent.  Lucius excited at what was to come, when there was work to be done on the Azkaban project, and Harry having finally made a final list in his head, what to give Draco and when.

He was excited.  He was jittery.  He was nervous.  But he was no longer undecided.

Saying good night to Lucius, he called to Draco and said he was going to bed.  Draco said he would be down in a while, he just wanted to see Pansy and Blaise off.  "Good night ladies", he said to Narcissa and Pansy, winked at them in thanks for their help, and went to his room.  Taking his jacket off slowly, he could feel the tiredness take him.  He set his alarm for midnight and was fast asleep by the time Draco entered the room.

When Draco saw him lying there, his first instinct was to kiss him all over, but he had sensed the fatigue in Harry, and let him sleep.  He kissed his temple, got under the sheets with him, and fell asleep almost immediately.

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