Malfoy Manor

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Harry woke up later than he had planned, had another hot shower, ate a breakfast of toast, eggs and bacon followed by a cup of steaming hot coffee.  Kreacher was waiting for him by the door when it was time to leave, and gave Harry his coat.  "Master Harry needs to be having an open mind, because the new powers inside him demand it", said Kreacher.  Harry was about to ask him what he meant, when Kreacher said he was running out of time, he had to leave.  And so he did.

Harry apparated to in front of Malfoy Manor.  He had been told that the wards were open for him, but because he was a private person, he would not insist on infringing on their privacy, even if by invite.  He walked up the long path towards the big black doors, and was amazed at the beauty of the place.  Snow white peacocks adorned the bright green lawn, flowers were in full bloom along the path, that were brought to an amazing height by a hedge.  And to finish the look, were two very large black doors with pearl handles.  He took a deep breath and knocked twice.

The big black doors swung open and a house elf was standing aside to let Harry enter. "Good morning Master Harry, my name is Rozi, and I is needing to be takings your coat please sir." Harry handed the elf his coat, and asked if Mrs Malfoy was available.  The elf told him to follow her outside, where Mrs Malfoy and Draco were sitting.  

Harry's breath caught in his throat.  He didn't remember Malfoy being so,.....beautiful.  Beautiful?  Since when did Harry think of Malfoy as beautiful.  He was a slimy git that insulted him and his friends every chance he got.  Beautiful my arse! He was sitting in a chair, dressed in a dark grey suit, with a white shirt, and a black tie, looking very much the noble Malfoy that he was. And those fucking eyes, a soft silver. And what, no gel in his hair. It made him look softer. 

 But something in Harry shifted.  He would stand by his statement.  Malfoy WAS beautiful.  End of story.  And anyone who chose to defy him could go fuck themselves.  He wondered where that statement came from.   Shaking his head, he walked up to them and offered his hand to Narcissa.

Narcissa Malfoy had been very surprised to receive a letter from Harry, stating that he would like to talk to her and Draco on behalf of her husband.  But then very few things surprised her anymore when it came to Harry Potter.  The pathetic feud between them was something of the past, and she looked now to the future.  Harry had saved her son's life and she would forever be in his debt.  She had called on Draco upon receiving the letter, and together they decided that they were willing to do anything they could to help her husband.  She loved him with all her heart, and knew the things he had done, he had done to protect his family.  They probably weren't the right things, but his love had shone through his deeds.  She rose out of her chair, and extended her hand to Harry.  He bowed and kissed her fingers very lightly.

"Careful Potter, wouldn't be making moves on my mother would you", sneered Draco. 

"Moves no.  These are called manners Malfoy, perhaps you've heard of them" replied Harry.  

Draco was taken aback by Harry kissing his mother's hand.  But then everything about Harry took his breath away.  His black unruly hair, his full lips, his green eyes, his earring.  Harry has a fucking earring! That should not be so hot.  The way his suit fit him perfectly like it was made for him.  His big strong hands, everything.  But deep down, Draco knew that Harry was just being his kind self.  Harry always thought of others before thinking of himself, and that right there was the difference between the two of them.  Malfoys thought of themselves first, no questions asked.

Harry extended his hand to Draco, in the hopes that they could move past their shit from the past  years, and move forward.  He was however here to save the Malfoy name, not that they knew it yet, but time would tell.  Draco took his hand with a smirk, and offered him a seat.  Harry wondered if Draco would be able to smirk with a mouth full of dick.  What!  What was wrong with him? Where were these thoughts coming from? He hoped to Merlin that mental image would never enter his brain again.  He proceeded to sit down.  All eyes were on Harry, and it made him feel uncomfortable.  But he was here for one thing only.  To save the life of Lucius Malfoy. He just needed their permission first.

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