The List

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An owl had delivered a parcel to Professor Snape late last night, and he immediately knew two things at once.  ONE.  The list that had been promised by Kingsley was in the parcel and TWO, Kingsley was going to be on his best behavior from now on.  He would never question the Alpha again.  With something, that he called a smile, he pursed his lips at the thought of the reaction that his presence would receive.  But he also knew that he couldn't just barge in on Harry and Draco to deliver the news.  Although he realized that Albus was in a position to do so, he would not ask it of him, as he was not in the inner circle, and hadn't been with Harry at the Ministry.

No matter, this news had to be given as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.  The sooner they had what they needed, the sooner they could start the changes that were so desperately needed.  And feeling a little happy that he would be the one to deliver the news, he set out for the common room where the Alpha was.  

Snape had stopped wearing the billowing cloaks that he used to wear, and had started to change his wardrobe shortly after the war.  With a tight fitting black coat, that came down to his calves, buttons down to his waist, and a high collar, he walked with pride and determination.  Reaching the door to the common room, he whispered the password and was granted immediate entry.

The common room had only two occupants.  Harry and Draco.  They were sitting in front of the fireplace, although it had not been lit yet.  It was almost too warm for it still, and both of them had cups of coffee in their hands.  Harry with his one arm around Draco, both enjoying the moment they were sharing, and the quiet, as if it were soon to be a thing of the past.  So they had just woken up, it seemed.  Hearing the portrait accepting the password, Harry looked up and saw that the potions master was standing still, just looking at them.  Raising his famous brow, as he sometimes did just to irk the man, he silently asked how can I help you.

Giving a twitch of his lips, he started walking towards the two young men.  "Good morning Harry, Draco", he said.  Harry had seen the parcel in his hands, and knew then that almost a week had gone by.  And Kingsley had done well by doing what was asked of him.  Smiling at Snape, he greeted him back.  "Good morning Professor", he said.

"Maybe it's time you called me Severus, Harry.  You do not address Lucius as Mr Malfoy, so therefore I think the respect we have for each other be shown in other ways now, yes?", he recommended.  Harry's mouth was open at the request.  Draco gently placed his hand under his chin, and closed Harry's mouth for him.  He turned to look at his mate, who was sitting next to him.  Giggling back at Harry, he just said "Don't look so shocked Potter", with a smirk.

Harry loved the snarky side of Draco.  The way he giggled, and smirked, and still called him Potter when he was being endearing.  After winking at Draco, he turned back to Snape.  "Thank you Severus", he said, tasting the name on his tongue.  It felt weird, strange, but it also felt right.  "Am I to assume that you have the list in your hands.  Is that parcel what I think it is?", he asked hopefully.

"I think so yes, although I have not opened it.  I thought we could do so together", he answered.  Harry nodded and offered his teacher, his Matrix, a seat.  After waving his hand, there was a cup of coffee on the table for him.  Snape took a seat and handed the parcel over to Harry.  

Harry and Draco both sat up in anticipation of what mood the parcel would leave the Alpha.  Draco could feel the emotions coming from his lover, and smiled at him.  This was to be the start of new things.  New rules.  New boundaries, and he wanted to be a part of it.  And he would.  Looking at Harry, who was opening the envelope with careful slow movements, he held his breath.  This was going to be a long day.

Watching Harry was a favorite pastime of Draco.  He loved how he frowned when concentrating, and scowled when he was angry.  How he licked his lips in anticipation of what he had planned, and especially how he smirked at the beauty of being the Alpha, and having some of, if not all of, the answers.  It was breathtaking.  Watching Harry was breathtaking.

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