Demands of the Alpha

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Harry woke up, remembering the dinner that he had planned on the day that Draco was taken.  He also remembered that he had something important to discuss with his lover, and decided to take immediate action.  They had been through a terrible ordeal, Draco most of all, and he couldn't afford to waste any more time.  Now is when he had to live for.  He knew in his heart that they would have many tomorrows, but he still needed to put his idea into action.  Right this minute.  They had fallen asleep after some serious fucking last night, and Harry's thoughts turned to what Draco had shouted out when he had his orgasm.  "Forever".  

Draco had said forever.

Turning, he looked at the sleeping man in his arms, and thought that there could never be anything more beautiful, more surreal than this.  Draco looked almost angelic in his slumber, even if he was a snob. But him being a snob is part of why Harry loved him so much.  He needed the snarky, sassy side of Draco to be his balance.  And they were perfectly balanced.  Of that he would never doubt.  And he also knew that Draco felt the same way.

Stroking the soft cheek of his mate with his fingers, he growled softly.  Not so much to make him startle, but enough to wake him up.  Draco's eyes fluttered open, and when he looked up into the emerald eyes of Harry, he was once again blown away by the beauty of the man.  How could this amazing, perfect human being belong to him.  How could they belong to each other.  They had hated each other in earlier years, and now all his dreams and fantasies were coming true.  It was if he was in a dream like state, and didn't ever want to wake up.

 "Good morning Beautiful", murmured Harry, with a deep husky voice.  Pulling Draco on top of his naked torso, he started kissing his jawline.  "Morning love", answered Draco.  He looked at Harry with a frown, feeling the tension coming from him.   "What's wrong?", he asked.  

"Nothing is wrong baby, now come here and love me", he demanded.  Draco, being the submissive that he was, loved the demanding side of Harry.  It was almost what drove him to the brink of madness.  Especially in the bedroom, where nobody knew of their antics.  He would always submit to Harry, and at times when Harry needed to be the one that was entered, he would do so too.  The enjoyment of each other's bodies were what made them able to speak without saying anything at all.  They loved that about each other. 

"Liar", stated Draco.  "I can literally feel the tension in you", he said.  "There is something you want to ask me or tell me.  Am I right?", he said, already knowing he was.  He was a part of Harry, and for that he was eternally grateful.  Trying a different tactic, he went with the bratty part of him,  that he secretly knew Harry loved and hated at the same time.  "Fine, don't tell me.  But no kisses until you do".  He rolled off of Harry, and went to the bathroom to relieve himself.  

Harry was astounded at the sudden change in Draco.  Gods, the man drove him crazy, and insane, and he was pretty sure that Draco was going to be the death of him, and he was willing to die for him.  Just not yet.  There IS something that he needed to ask, but he wasn't going to go that route.  He was going to TELL Draco what he wanted, and he expected to get it.  The Alpha in Harry would see to it.  He sat up in bed, with the sheets still wrapped up to his waist, and he waited for his lover to emerge.

When Draco came back from the bathroom, Harry said in a sultry voice, "Stay where you are.  I want to look at you".  Draco did as he was told and stared at Harry.  When Harry's eyes roamed his naked form, you could almost feel the shift in the atmosphere.  The way his eyes changed color, the way his breathing would become laboured, the way his lips would part, all at the images that were going on in his head.  Because Draco was perfectly intoxicating.  And Harry would never tire of telling him that.

"You are so fucking beautiful Draco, I just want to love you and look at you forever", said Harry.

"As you are, my love", replied Draco.

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