What's It Like?

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Draco sat back down, and Ron knew that he had to sit next to him, and so changed places.  Everyone looked confused at the move.  And so he started to explain what had happened to him after Harry had become Alpha.  Excitement was on their faces, for they were going to be privy to information that maybe no one else would.  "If that's ok Draco?", asked Ron.  He nodded to the redhead, and said yes of course, Harry would appreciate more people knowing.

Ron started his story.  "Every Alpha has an inner circle.  An army of sorts.  To protect him and his mate if there was ever a war again.  Even the tiniest threat to his mate sets him on edge.  Which is why when Fudge insulted Draco, he was told to come and sit next to me.  I'm Draco's first line of defence, when Harry can't be.  I'm his lieutenant", he said with pride.  "I have to protect this git with my life", he giggled, pointing to Draco who giggled with him.

He could see the wonder when he looked at the people in the circle.  When there was a soft "Wow!", from Dean, Draco smiled at him.  He knew he had been a prat to all of them, but their acceptance of him was what showed on their faces.  He felt special and wanted, and that was all that made sense to him.  "And who is to protect Harry?", asked Luna.

Draco turned and waited for his best friend to answer.  "I am", said Blaise.  "Harry's way of thinking is that I will protect anything that could hurt Draco.  So if Harry gets hurt, it will automatically be detrimental to Draco, and I don't want that.  Harry doesn't want him hurt in any way.  I'm his lieutenant", he finished.

"Holy shit!", said Seamus.  "That's got to be heavy.  Awesome but heavy".  They all laughed out loud at his words.  But Seamus was so enthralled, he wanted to hear more, and so he turned to the blond man who had been rude to them so many times.  But with a kind, curious voice he asked, "What's it like?  What's it like to love Harry and to be his mate?".  Draco looked at him with soft eyes, and knowing what he was allowed to voice, and what was forbidden, he told them what they all so desperately wanted to know.

"Being loved by Harry is like coming home.  A warm, fuzzy feeling, that's so comforting, you can't imagine how you lived without it.  When Harry looks at me, I feel warm, safe, happy, and calm.  He's everything I have ever wanted, and I cannot tell you enough how much I love him.  He is the reason I wake up every day.  After the war, there was almost no reason to live, but now.  Well now, it's...there is so much left to live for", said Draco.  Feeling tears on the way at the strong rush of emotions that he was feeling, he kept talking, not feeling any shame or embarrassment for his love. 

"His love is as eternal as the skies, as deep as the ocean, and as strong as the Alpha's power.  He loves totally and completely.  But our love together is one hundred times that, and it's amazing to experience.  I am so lucky to be a part of Harry's life.  So damn lucky.  Harry is the most beautiful soul I have ever known".

"His big strong arms that can hold a wand to kill a dark lord, but also gentle enough to hold me or comfort me.  His muscular legs that will walk to the ends of the earth for his friends, but will always bring him home to me.  His deep green eyes, that change color when his mood does, but only look for me in a crowded room.  His unruly hair that never looks combed, but I'm the one who gets to run my hands through it, his gorgeous hands, that can wave magic over a snake so he can speak English, but can feel so soft on my face.  When I touch him, I can feel his anger fade, and being his mate AND his ground is just so profound, that I cannot help but look at him in wonder.

And loving Harry, is just as beautiful.  We are soul mates, and I will never stop loving him, in any way.  I get to see him as Harry, not just as the Alpha, and for that I am so thankful.  I never knew him here at Hogwarts, I thought I did, but I was fooling myself.  Even if we weren't soul mates, I would still love him.  I have for a very long time.  And I imagine it's the same for him.  It took us both so long to come to terms with our feelings, that the wizarding world decided to step in.  And we're so glad it did", he said.  Just then he felt a familiar feeling.

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