Boo's Birthday

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It was Draco who had woken up first.  Remembering how Harry had started his day with spoils, he smiled.  His skin was still glowing from the massage he had received at midnight.  Trust Harry to come up with such an original idea to gift him with as many hours as there were in a day.  It was brilliant.  It was unprecedented.  It was love.  Harry needed to spoil him, of that he was sure.  And he had.  Even without the joint bank account, he was so happy with all the gifts.  They had Harry's pure sense of mystery written all over them.

After waking Harry up for a hot shower together, they dried and got dressed.  Jeans, with a faded blue short sleeved denim shirt with buttons, black boots and belt for Harry, and the same for Draco, except with a light grey dress shirt.  Sporting his ankle bracelet under his socks, he felt sexy.  Leaving the room for breakfast, they entered the dining hall.  Where everyone was waiting for them.

The dining table was lined, not with plates of food, but with roses.  It was overflowing with white roses, so much so that they were hanging off the sides of the table.  There were red roses scattered among the white, and it was breathtaking.  Draco got tears in his eyes when he saw it, because he knew it was another gift from Harry.  Ignoring everyone else in the room, he turned to his love.  "Oh Harry, they are beautiful", he sighed.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco and hugged him tightly.  "Just like you Boo", he replied.  "There are two thousand white roses, and one hundred and ninety red roses in this arrangement.  The white roses represent your purity, and your love for me, and the red roses represent the amount of times that I have thought or said I love you, in other words, my  passion for you.  The total is two thousand one hundred and ninety roses, one for each day that I have known you", said Harry.  Draco had no words.  Gods he loved this man.

Leaving the hug, he turned again to look at the stunning flowers that had been set before him.  Everyone in the room started clapping, and wished him a happy birthday.  Pansy gave him a new leather jacket, Blaise had given him some new books on potions, his parents had given him money, Ron and Hermoine had been invited and had given him a special kind of clock, the same kind that was hanging in the Weasley home, Dumbledore, Snape and Mcgonagall had given him new linen for their bedroom.

Thanking and hugging them all individually, he said he had never expected any of this.  Thank you so much.  But could they please eat, he was starving.  At those words, Pansy lifted her brow at Harry, but he chose to ignore her, and agreed with Draco.  Breakfast was served in the garden.  There were muffins, yogurt, omelettes, croissants, cocktail pork sausages, toast and tomatoes.  Draco had something of everything.  He had to, if he and Harry were going to use the toys he had been given, he thought with a smirk.

After eating their full, and saying thank you again for all his gifts, he asked what was on the agenda for the day.  Harry said he was taking him out, and they would be back later.  Draco was excited.  Harry was nervous.   He hoped what else he had planned would be as successful as the morning had been.  Saying their good byes, they apparated to Muggle London.

Harry took Draco on a shopping spree.  That was one of the gifts, and he knew his time was limited, because Draco had to spend some of his time with family.  So the idea of a gift every hour on the hour was not playing to his favor.  No matter, he could still spoil the love of his life. And he planned to.  A shopping spree, a new wardrobe to carry all the new clothes, a muggle camera that Draco had trouble trying to understand.  After losing his patience, he put it away and said he would master it later.  Harry bought him a new set of formal robes, a brand new broom, the Firebolt 2005, and when Draco said he was hungry again from all the shopping, he took him to lunch.

He had made a reservation ages ago at the very posh restaurant called "Chante's", and there they ordered fish cordon bleu, served with garlic butter rice, broccoli and a dijon sauce.  A crisp white wine finished the meal off perfectly.  Before long it was time to go home.  He looked at all the bags that Harry was carrying, and felt a surge of love for him.  When Harry turned to look at him, he felt giddy.  Absolutely giddy with love, with passion and with adoration.  After lunch,  Harry asked if Draco would like a tattoo. Draco said yes immediately.

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