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Narcissa had sent owls to Pansy and Blaise, asking them to join them for breakfast.  (Kreacher had just recently let her know that the two boys would be joining them).  She felt it was only fair considering that they had been witness to what had happened a few days ago, and was pleased to see that they had accepted without any hesitation.  Dumbledore, Mcgonagall and Snape were the last to arrive.  Dressed in their best, they waited for the door to open, where Harry and Draco would exit from.  Harry had been behind closed doors for seven days since being bitten.

"Harry, if you don't tell them, I will", threatened Draco with a giggle.  "They have a right to know", he said.  "Bollocks, they don't have to know anything, and you're not going to tell them Boo.  I forbid it", he said with a slight snarl and humor in his voice.  "But my dear sweet soul mate, you know how much they worry.  In fact you might even call them worry warts", laughed Draco.  Harry laughed out loud, as they climbed the stairs from their room and walked into the dining room.  "Worry warts", snorted Harry.  "I like it", and they laughed at the silliness of each other.

In the dining room, everyone had been sitting, and waiting patiently for them to enter, and as soon as they did, everyone stood up, to acknowledge the Alpha.  They both looked handsome in their suits, that were very fitting to their unique bodies, and Narcissa felt a rush of pride at seeing them.  They were glowing, and smiling from ear to ear.  Her heart was about to burst. Pansy and Blaise were blown away by the beauty that surrounded them.  Mcgonagall suppressed a smile, as if knowing what they had been up to.

Harry felt a sudden blush on his cheeks, and started to turn away.  Draco held onto his face, and said softly, "Harry, if you don't like it, you can always change it".  He whispered words that no one could hear, and saw relaxation take over Harry.  So that is what Harry did.  He raised his hand, and said softly, "Please, none of you ever have to stand for me, this will be the first and last time".  He didn't want them to stand or bow or do anything for him.  He was Harry.  End of story.  

They were amazed at how Draco had managed to calm him.  He certainly knew how to make Harry feel better.  And Harry had listened to him.  It was meant to be.  They all sat back down again, and started dishing up the fine food that the elves had prepared.  Pancakes, bacon, baked beans, scrambled eggs, toast, grated cheese, an assortment of jams, sausages, and tomatoes.  Freshly squeezed orange juice was on the table in glass jugs.  

"And who exactly are the worry warts Draco?", asked Snape snidely.  Draco sniggered again, and answered simply, "No one,  it was a private joke that Harry and I shared", hoping everyone would believe him.  He looked at Harry with total adoration in his eyes, and when Harry winked at him, he sent a wave of lust through their bond.  Harry almost choked on his juice, and glared at Draco, with love, but to warn him, not to do that again.  Everyone looked in wonder, at the change in Harry, as they were not sure what had just happened. 

"Thank you everyone for being there for me after the bite", Harry said sincerely.  They all nodded at him, not expecting him to thank them.

Harry had one question.  He wasn't sure who knew the answer, but his guess would be Snape, and so he directed his gaze towards him. Taking Draco's hand in his, he pressed forward, "Professor Snape, how is it possible that my soulmate was within reach of me?  I know from my visions, that Demetri had to look for his mate for a long time.  It should be a geographic anomaly.  Surely this has never happened before?".

"No.  It has never happened before, but you must remember that it is solely the decision of the Alpha who his mate is to be.  You had already chosen Draco, and that made your job easier.  You have had feelings for him since your fourth year.  The fact that the both of you were, for want of a better word, enemies, for so long, refusing to be near each other, means that new laws can be passed.  Nothing like Voldemort should ever happen again.  Simply put, it was meant to be.  You two were meant to be together from the beginning", he finished.

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