The First Rule

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Harry had decided to forego the meeting with his inner circle, and got straight to the point of telling them why.  He had to start setting things in motion, and invited them all to come to the Ministry with him.  There would be no word of his arrival, and the others were forbidden to speak of it.  He wanted everything to run smoothly, but he also didn't want anyone to be anxious or jittery when the time came.  Yes, they had their questions as to why they were going, and when they were going, but all Harry said to them was "Patience".

Draco knew from being his lover, that Harry had something up his sleeve.  He could feel the well hidden anger coming from Harry, but paired with that he could feel a kindness coming through, in a sense that he was glad that it was him who was going to bring about the changes.  But Draco was glad too.  There was no one else who could do it better.  You could literally feel the magic vibrating off of Harry every time he stepped into a room.  And Draco loved watching Harry at his most dominant.  He had tried to contain his excitement that morning, when they had woken up and Harry had simply said, [Today is the day]

Having informed everyone to meet him in the entrance hall after breakfast, and after sending owls to Lucius and Severus the previous night, he knew they would all be there just as he had asked.  And when he arrived, he saw that they were all waiting for him, and were muttering amongst themselves.  His mind wandered back to when he had first been visited by the snake in the garden.  Then when he met Azura, he was more than he had imagined.  After he and Blaise had met with the two grounds, Harry's mind had been in turmoil.  He so badly wanted to voice his anger, but he knew he had to save it for those who had made him angry.

Kind of like the muggle saying, 'don't shoot the messenger'.  How could he show his anger to his friends, when they in essence had done nothing wrong.  He could feel certain emotions coming from his Lieutenant, Blaise, and it almost felt like he was ready for a battle.  Willing to stand behind the Alpha and do anything for him, he was indeed a warrior.  Turning his attention to Ron, he felt pride enter his heart.  He was proud that they were still friends, and he was proud that the red head man was willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of their new world. 

He looked at all of them, and was filled with love.  Clearing his throat, he started walking down the stairs.  They all looked up at him and could see that he was deep in thought.  They had no idea why there were going to the Ministry, other than Albus Dumbledore.  He had a suspicion that Harry was going to start on the changes that their world so desperately needed.  And he wasn't wrong.  He just didn't know how Harry was going to achieve it.  They all waited for him to speak.

"Thank you all for coming.  Shall we?", he asked gesturing with his hand towards the great doors that led to the outside world.  Taking Draco's hand, they apparated first and waited for the rest to join them. They had landed on the steps of the Ministry just outside of the entrance.  When everyone had arrived, he waved his hands at the doors, and they opened for him.  Allowing Draco to enter first, he followed, and then the others did the same.

Sitting at the reception desk was an elderly lady, about 45 years of age.  When she looked up and saw that Harry Potter was standing in front of her, she started sputtering.  She had no idea that he would be coming in today, and when she wanted to voice who he was here to see, he silenced her with a smile.  "Good morning Abigail", he greeted.  "Could you please do me the honour of giving me your intercom system so that I may make an announcement", he asked.  She blushed at the humble man, and said certainly.

She handed over the contraption, and sat back down, excited to see what he was going to announce.  This intercom system was a muggle invention, but it had made her job so much easier.  If you needed to get a message across, all you had to do was press a button, talk into the microphone and everyone would hear it.  Better than sending owls or memos, she thought.

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