Defiance Explained

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After lunch, they all decided to enjoy the sunshine outside, and so walked to sit by the black lake.  Looking back, Harry remembered his time in the waters when he was thrown into the Triwizard Tournament.  He was still floored that he had made it out alive.  That he had made it past level one, when he had to fight the most dangerous of the dragons.  The Hungarian Horntail.  It was a beautiful animal, and wondered what had ever happened to it.  Maybe he should look into it.  Sitting in a circle, everyone was chattering.  Mostly about Fudge and how he deserved what he got.  But Harry was still angry, because his mate had been humiliated.

Leaning against a tree, Harry listened to them.  They all knew that Fudge had been a prick to Harry at the end of fourth year when he told them that Voldemort was back.  Fudge had tried his hardest to discredit him, and it had almost worked.  The fight that had ensued at the department of mysteries had him gasping like a fish, when he saw that Harry had been right all along.  Harry needed to make sure that Draco was all right, after being pointed out by the idiot.  "Are you all right Draco?" he asked, sitting down.  Draco looked at him with a soft look in his eyes, laid his head on Harry's shoulder and replied, "Yes thank you.  Your defence of me was quite admirable", he said, and wiggling his eyebrows also stated,  "As was the part where you removed your shirt".  The others laughed.

"It was the Alpha status.  I didn't want to, but knew I had to.  And I'm glad I did, that way he will never open his mouth again without thinking.  Not that he ever did", he said.  The others shifted where they were sitting.  They wanted to know more about the Alpha.  Not that all of them knew Harry all that well, but they were aware of his shyness in front of people.  It made him feel uncomfortable.  So for him to do what he had done, had been phenomenal.  Draco knew that Harry hated the fame, and now that more of it was coming, he would have to appease the man.  "Harry, the Alpha's behavior is going to keep getting stronger.  I love watching you, so even if you didn't want to, I'm glad you did", he said, kissing his hand.

"You need to stop glorifying me Draco, otherwise I'll start getting a big head", he said with a chuckle.  Draco snorted at that.  Watching them together was weird.  In the sense that they had been mostly enemies for most of their school years, and yet here they were, talking about how much skin they liked seeing, and laughing together.  But they were intrigued.  They wanted to know more about defiance.  And Harry could sense their uneasiness, and before any of them had a chance to ask, he started talking.

"When Dumbledore explained to me that the Alpha hates defiance, I felt a fleeting amount of discomfort.  Not only that, but it was almost as if something inside me was purring, if I can call it that".  Draco lifted his head and listened intently, because he had never heard this before either.  "It was strange, but strong.  So I chose to pay attention to it.  When he said that my first priority was my mate, I felt warmth.  Like my mission in life was to protect, and Harry accepted that.  But I can tell you all now that although Draco is what's important, the Alpha in me won't stand for defiance of any kind.  To himself either.  I, or rather he, doesn't like being challenged".

"What happens if Draco challenges you?", asked Neville.  Harry looked at them with a serious face, and answered honestly.  "I don't know". 

"He'll probably have to shag me into submission", Draco laughed.  Everyone laughed out loud at that, except Ron, who had gone blood red in his face with embarrassment.  "I bet Draco would love that...." started Pansy, but Harry looked at her with a look that made her shut up fast.  Draco giggled.

Harry was past thinking like a child.  Certain things were meant only for them, and he knew Draco was trying to calm him, so he listened.  Draco's giggle did things to him, that he was quite pleased to say was exhilarating.  He could listen to it always.  "Boo", he said in a humorous warning tone, and Draco listened because he knew that Harry was still pissed at what had happened. 

"I think that name is adorable", said Luna, also trying to diffuse the situation.  She had heard the warning when Harry had spoken.  Harry smiled, and said the name just came to him, grateful that she changed the topic.  "I had a very bad nightmare or vision, and I knew I had to find Draco.  Of course I realized before that night that Draco was going to be a part of my life, even if it did take him forever to figure it out.  I needed him to calm me, and when I found him, he just held me and asked if he could help.  My answer was that you already are Boo.  And then it was like something clicked into place.  I knew he would accept the name, because if he didn't I would have been very angry.  Maybe you felt that?", he asked Draco.

Draco shook his head no.  He had been very aware of Harry all the time, and was trying to ignore the fact that he was in love with him, but thought that Harry hated him for all the insults, and then when Harry had said 'You are Boo', he just went with it.  It made him feel free and special.  They all nodded, realizing that they were being told something personal. 

"And if a friend defies you?", asked Neville again.  "You won't be shagging them will you?", he snorted.  Harry laughed out loud at that, feeling jealousy coming from his mate.  "No Neville, Draco will cut off my cock, and I find that he's rather partial to it, so no, I won't be shagging my friends if they defy me". 

Pausing, he said "But my friends never will defy me, of that I am sure", he said in another warning tone.

"Defiance is punishable by humiliation, banishment, and even death.  It is a terrible burden to bear, I'm sure, but Harry, your heart is still good.  The only things that reside in you is love and kindness.  You don't know how to hate.  And your own personal traits will become part of the Alpha, just as much as the Alpha will become part of you", said Hermoine.  "All you can do is embrace it.  The love and kindness that is already in you, as well as the power and loathing defiance part, that is growing.  Embrace everything Harry", she said kindly.

"I agree with Hermoine", said Draco with a smile.  Shocked, but thrilled, she smiled back at him, and Harry felt his anger leave his body completely.  "Thank you Hermoine", he said.  He knew she was right.  He had to embrace it, he had to stop apologizing for his behavior, and he knew that enough hadn't been said or explained about defiance, but he also knew that they would ask more questions later if the need arose. 

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