The Dark Mark

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Lunch was served, then they all went back to what they were doing.  Narcissa looking to redecorate certain rooms, all the Professors returned to Hogwarts, Lucius in his study, going over some papers, Pansy and Blaise saying they had shopping to do, and Harry and Draco went  back to their room.  As soon as the door closed, Harry grabbed Draco, and gave him a long much needed kiss.  Feeling Harry's want, he reciprocated, and kissed back just as hard.  He wanted to make Harry groan.  He wasn't sure if using his new powers made Harry tired or horny or both, and so wanted to be there in every way for his lover.

Not wanting to be hasty, Harry slowly removed Draco's shoes, socks, jacket and then his shirt.  He pushed him against the wall.  Placing Draco's hands above his head, and holding them with one hand, he started kissing the elegant neck of his lover.  Draco loved feeling Harry's mouth on him.  It made him complete.  He was so aroused just from the kissing and the sheer dominance that was Harry, his eyes were drooped in lust.  He looked up at Harry, and begged with his eyes, to please let him touch him.

Harry growled his refusal.  He wanted to take him right there against the wall, and no one was going to stop him.  He loved Draco's hands on him, but right now all that mattered were his needs, not Draco's.  And so he slid down onto his knees, kissing the flat toned stomach that was in front of him.  Still holding Draco's hands, he put them behind his back, and started undoing his belt with his teeth.  Seeing Harry like this was so hot.  So demanding.  Draco knew he wasn't in control, and so he went with the pleasure that his mate was providing.

Pansy had touched him, and Harry needed to affirm who he belonged to.  It was as simple as that, and he silently wished that anyone could touch him, as long as it brought him home to this.  Home to Harry, who was using his tongue in ways he had never imagined possible.  Realizing that his pants were down by his ankles, he gave out a groan.  He was rock hard, and Harry was faintly aware of his own trousers becoming tight.  He chose to ignore this, and kept on doing what he was doing.

Finally, the boxers were discarded on the floor along with his trousers, and Draco wanted to put his hands in Harry's hair, as he was taken into his hot mouth.  Grabbing Draco by the hips, he swallowed him whole, and groaned his pleasure at the taste and the smell of his mate.  It was captivating.  Running his hands through the black tousled hair, he moaned out his name "Harry".  Harry looked up at him, still with Draco in his mouth and Draco fell in love all over again.  Merlin, this man was so damn fuckable.

Running his tongue over the leaking tip, he placed both his hands on Draco's arse.  After what seemed a very short time, Draco threw his head back, and wanted to warn Harry silently, that now, yes now, he was going to orgasm, and then he remembered that Harry wanted him to be vocal.  Harry wanted to hear him scream, and moan, and so he did just that.  'MERLIN FUCK YES", he cried out, as soon as Harry had finished swallowing all of him.  But Harry wasn't finished yet.

He stood up, and started kissing Draco on the mouth.  Brutal, hot, demanding kisses, he put his hands on that sweet pert arse, and pulled his mate towards him.  Draco still had in hands in Harry's hair, and couldn't get enough of his man.  He wanted Harry naked, so he waved his hand, and it happened.  Feeling even more lust from his lover, they walked, still kissing, towards the carpet in front of the fire.  They lay down gently, with Draco on top of Harry.

Trailing soft kisses all over his torso, paying special attention to the nipple ring, he had Harry's full attention once more.  Not that he ever lost it, but it was always good to make sure, right?  And he loved hearing Harry growl.  It was one of the sexiest things he had ever heard, and he would do whatever it took to keep hearing it.  When Harry growled, something in him stirred.  He was sure it was like that for everyone else, but they could go to hell.  Harry was his, and he wasn't going to share.

He summoned the lube from the bathroom, and rubbed some over his erection.  Hard again.  That was all Harry.  He slipped two fingers into the jar, and slowly entered Harry with both.  Harry groaned loudly, because this feeling was superb.  It was epic.  It was love.  It was Draco.  All Draco.  He reached up, and pulled Draco's face towards him, wanting to be kissed non stop.  After he was relaxed, he asked Draco to stop teasing, and to please fuck him.  He wanted him now.

Draco obeyed, and pushed in slowly.  Harry wanted this to last forever, and soon they were riding on a wave of ecstasy, that they never knew before.   Neither one of them wanting to go slow, they were both out of breath, and glistening with sweat when they both screamed together in an orgasm that would have shaken the core of the earth.  And in that moment, Harry knew that Draco would love him forever, and never question him.  Ever.

Feeling sated, after using cleansing spells, they were both lying naked in front of the fire.  Draco in Harry's arms, with his left arm draped across his stomach.  Harry took his arm in his right hand, and kissed his palm.  Draco snuggled in deeper to his neck.  No time like the present, thought Harry, and rolled him onto his back, and pinned him down, with his one leg, lying next to Draco.  Still holding his left arm, he turned to Draco and said "I can remove that.  If you want", and shifted his eyes towards the dark mark.

Draco knew that it bothered Harry that he had the mark.  Not in the way one would think.  It bothered Harry, as if something dark had claimed him, and he only wanted his mark and his scent on Draco.  He understood this.  He placed his hand on Harry's face, and kissed him deeply.  "Then do it", he replied.  Harry felt such love for this fragile man lying beneath him, and he knew he wouldn't do anything that would ever hurt him.  In any way.  The way Draco trusted him in that moment, was very important to Harry.

And so he replied, "Think of what you want there.  Because of there being a mark, it has to be replaced with something, or would you rather I decide?", he asked.  Draco thought for a while, and remembered his name on Harry's back.  What he wouldn't give to have the world know that Harry was his.  He smiled and looked at Harry, almost certain that he had understood the thoughts running through his mind.  Harry smiled in agreement, that he did indeed.

He put his hand around Draco's mark, and thought of something.  He sent a pulse of magic into Draco, and he gasped as if it were sexual.  Closing his eyes, he felt another pulse.  No pain, because he knew that Harry would never hurt him.  When he opened his eyes, Harry was looking at him with new wonder.  He leaned down to kiss Draco, and then pulled him on top of him.  Running his hands through the blond hair that was so fucking soft, he groaned, never wanting to let go.

"I hope you like it Boo", he said softly after the kiss.  Draco frowned, and thought, was it over already?  He lay back down and raised his left arm.  There, in place of that hideous dark mark, that he had never wanted anyway, was a sign in silver and black.  In large neat black print were the initials H.J.P.  Connected by silver chain links. He was so happy, he felt himself choke up.  Then a single tear left his eye, and he was astounded at the love he had for Harry.  The emotions going through him were a turmoil of love, wonder, awe, and total dedication.  Harry felt each one.  

Worried that he had done something wrong, he pulled Draco towards him.  "You don't like it", he stated.  Draco kissed him with a big smile, and then planted small kisses all over his face.  "No Harry I don't like it, I fucking love it", he answered.  Harry was elated that he could make his mate feel such happiness.  He would never grow tired of it.

Draco felt complete again.  Like he was Draco.  Like he was someone who mattered, and no thank you,  he wasn't a death eater, and could you please fuck off because Harry Potter has just made him the happiest man alive.  He sobbed with tears of joy while Harry held him, and that is how they woke to go to dinner.

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