Green and Silver

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Draco suddenly woke up as if a fire had been lit under him, and rushed over to where Harry was kneeling. He knelt in front of him, and when he realized that he couldn't get to Harry fast enough like that, he sat on top of Harry's knees, with his knees touching the ground, and his crotch resting on Harry's lap.  He placed his right hand on Harry's left cheek, and his left hand on the bite so softly, and said "Oh Harry.  You stupid ridiculous Gryffindor".  He forgot that people were present.  The only thing that existed was Harry.  In his beauty, in his strength, and in his pain.  And he knew he was the only one who could make all of it go away. 

With a strong determination, he focused only on Harry.  He was going to kill that bloody snake if Harry didn't get to him first.  How dare he bite what was his?  How dare he think that Harry's life was something to play with?  All of them could go to hell, he didn't have the patience or the time to pay them any mind.  Only Harry mattered.

Harry was the one who was hurt.  Harry was the one who had fever.  Harry was the one who had been bitten.  And it had been Harry who had shouted out his name.  Shouted out that Draco was the love of his life, and he felt tears start to form in his eyes.  Because how could anyone, let alone this beautiful soul, ever love him.  But Harry did love him.  He felt it when he touched his cheek.  Every time he looked into his eyes, he saw it.  And he had felt it in the kiss that they had shared.  In those strong arms that had held him, when he said he didn't hate him.  Had never hated him.  He let out a sob, wondering why it had taken so damn long to find each other like this. 

Harry raised his head slowly.  Their eyes locked. Green looking into silver.  No one else existed.  No one else mattered.  He saw the tears in Draco's eyes, and knew it wasn't from shame, or embarrassment, but from love.  A love so strong and endearing that it took his breath away, and he knew in that moment, that this was meant to be.  This is what his visions and his dreams had been about.  This is what he had been looking for.  And he knew that Draco understood and accepted it.  He knew that he wanted it as badly as Harry did.  In the end, it seemed Dumbledore was right again.  It was indeed love that had won.  Who would have thought.

Then, with a silent gust of wind, there were colors surrounding the both of them.  Green and Silver.  A whirlwind of beauty, was enveloping them as if in a cloud.  The green, being the more dominant color started to intertwine with the silver, and together they made the most amazing orb of light and calm.  It was as if their hearts and souls were touching each other, exploring, and they weren't going to let go till they each had their fill. 

When the snake had taunted Harry, everyone was angry.  Angry at the audacity that he had to go through something so vile, and it appeared that the snake was enjoying it.  Then after the taunts, and the pillars that had risen out of the ground, the questions.  At first they all thought, what was the point.  But when the third question was asked, they were curious.  What had made the snake ask three times, because Harry had answered correctly each time.  Then with his declaration of love, they understood that Prytus had to stay and keep asking until he had the answer he was looking for.  Draco was Harry's soulmate.  It all made sense.

Dumbledore was pleased.  He was in a sense, in admiration of the young man that was Harry Potter, and knew that his heart was true.  Harry had endured terrible abuse his whole life, and not once, had he complained to anyone.  No hate resided in his heart, and that in itself was commendable.  He knew that his choice of soulmate was profound, and he would do anything to make sure that everyone understood that.

Snape was speechless.  That actually isn't a feat, because he was always a man of few words, but to have his breath and his voice taken away by what Harry had shouted out was quite, well it was brave.  One of the bravest things he had ever experienced.  His heart however was very heavy.  He honestly hoped that no harm would ever come to Draco because of his new claim on the Alpha.  But as soon as that thought entered his mind, it was gone.  Anyone who dared defy the Alpha and his choice of soulmate were bound to come second, and so he smiled at the thought.

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