Chapter 1

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Naomi Ryder was sat with her husband, Flynn Ryder, and their daughter, Calinda Ryder, who cooed in her father's arm, at Granny's diner. It was her mothers' death anniversary and they were waiting for Killian to arrive so they could all go pay their respects.

Killian walked up to Naomi and Flynn, "Already, love?" Killian asked.

"Yeah," Naomi said with a nod.

They left the diner and made their way to the cemetery, Calista's grave had been moved and she laid beside Neal's grave and Mr Gold's grave. Everyone laid flowers on their graves, paying their respects.

Naomi stood looking at Calista's grave and she placed a bouquet of red roses down, "I'm sorry, I never came to visit you more," Naomi said as she stood up and stepped back.

Naomi stood looking at Calista's grave and she placed a bouquet of red roses down, "I'm sorry, I never came to visit you more," Naomi said as she stood up and stepped back

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Henry looked at Ella before he walked to Naomi, stood beside Naomi and rubbed her back, "How are you doing?" Henry asked as he placed his arm over her shoulders.

Naomi rested her head on his shoulder, "I think I'm okay... I found something in my mother's things last night, a journal," Naomi said.

"Is that what you were reading last night?" Flynn asked.

"Yeah," Naomi took out a small pink journal, "Henry, do you remember when she banished my dad?" Naomi asked.

"After he tried crushing Killian's heart? Yeah, I think we all remember, she went missing for weeks," Emma said.

"What about it Naomi?" Snow asked.

"This explains where she went and why I never told anyone the truth," Naomi said.

"What do you mean lass?" Wish Hook said.

Will walked up with a group of people and White Rabbit: Anastasia, Alice and Cyrus, "She means," They looked at them, "She kept a secret, the secret Cali wanted to be kept until it was ready to be told," Will said.

Will walked up with a group of people and White Rabbit: Anastasia, Alice and Cyrus, "She means," They looked at them, "She kept a secret, the secret Cali wanted to be kept until it was ready to be told," Will said

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"Will?" Naomi said.

"Miss me, love?" Will said as he walked to the grave with roses and placed them on her grave. He took out a flask and placed it against her stone, "Have one on me up here Cali," Will said.

Calista in Wonderland [OUATIW || Will Scarlet || The Crocodile's Love #8]Where stories live. Discover now