Chapter 13

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Inside the Wonderland Castle, Jafar and Amara were completing the spell to break the laws of magic while Alice grieved over Cyrus and Anastasia rubbed her back comforting her the best she could.

Amara and Jafar had completed the spell, "It is done," Jafar said in shock and amazement.

"Cyrus," Amara said as she ran towards Cyrus, Alice and Anastasia.

"Please, can you help him?" Alice asked Amara.

Jafar turned to them, "Of course she can. Amara and I are now the two most powerful sorcerers in the world. There's just one problem," He levitated a glass shard in the air, "I've never been good at sharing," Jafar said.

The old prisoner ran in, "Jafar, stop!" The shard shattered on the floor as Jafar looked at his father, "There has already been enough death. The way to show true power is with mercy," The old prisoner said.

"Like the mercy, you showed the boy who came to you looking for his father's love?" Jafar questioned.

"Love was not something that I could just give to you, Jafar. You had to earn it," The old prisoner said.

"I think I've grown tired of this argument, Father. Lucky for me, I wouldn't be having it ever again. I'm no longer bound by the Laws of Magic. I can have whatever I want," Jafar said.

"And what is that?" The old prisoner asked.

"The same thing I've been wanting since I was 10-years-old," Jafar said.

"Haven't you learned? I'm never going-" The old prisoner began to say but Jafar used his new magic to change his mind, "Jafar..." The old prisoner chuckled pleasantly and grabbed Jafar's hands, kissing them, "My son... I'm so proud of you. You're everything a father could ask for. My life was empty until you arrived," The old prisoner chuckled and held Jafar's face, kissing him on his forehead, "I love you," The old prisoner said.

Jafar's voice broke, "While I am pleased to feel this affection, Father, it's not quite all that I've wanted from you," Jafar said.

"Tell me what you desire. I shall provide it for you," The old prisoner said.

"Wh...What I want..." His voice continued to break, "What I truly want," Jafar's voice was back to normal, "Is for you to know how it feels to be murdered by someone you love," Jafar said and he used his magic to cause water to gush and overflow out of his father's mouth, ears and eyes.

"Jafar... help," The old prisoner begged as he fell to the ground, he gurgled and choked before he died.

"Hmm. Well... Not, where was I?" Jafar turned around to see that Alice, Amara, Anastasia and Cyrus were gone, "Where are they?" Jafar asked.

In a corridor, Alice and Amara carried Cyrus as Anastasia followed behind them, occasionally looking behind them.

"Jafar will be after us. We still have a long way to go, you two can't possibly carry him there," Anastasia said as she looked at them.

Alice and Amara laid Cyrus on the ground, "We're not," Amara raised her eyes and a magic carpet flew towards them, "We're going to fly him there. Hold on tight," Amara said.

In the castle's dungeons, Jafar searched for the Jabberwocky.

"Jabberwocky. Jabberwocky. I know you're in here," Jafar whispered and the Jabberwocky stepped out of the shadows looking at him, "I want you to tell me—what am I afraid of now?" Jafar said.

The Jabberwocky stared at him, attempting to get a read on his emotions, "You're afraid of nothing," The Jabberwocky said with slightly wide eyes.

"And that is what ultimate power is," Jafar said as he took out the Vorpal Blade, he approached the Jabberwocky as she walked backwards. Jafar stabbed the Jabberwocky, who screamed in pain as she was pinned to the wall. After she was embedded in place, with the blade still pierced through her abdomen, he started to walk away.

Calista in Wonderland [OUATIW || Will Scarlet || The Crocodile's Love #8]Where stories live. Discover now