Chapter 11

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In Wonderland Castle, The Jabberwocky lounged on a couch watching Jafar as he stood in front of the three genie bottles, reciting Latin verses from his spellbook. The bottle shook, but nothing else happened so he tried the spell again.

In the dungeons below, an old prisoner, Anastasia and Calista looked up as the ceiling shook and dust fell from the disturbance.

"What is that?" The old prisoner asked.

"Magic," Anastasia said.

"I've never seen magic do that," The old prisoned said.

"Oh, you'd be surprised what magic can do," Calista said.

Flashback - Storybrooke: 4 Weeks Ago...

Naomi was at Regina's house and Regina was trying to call Calista as Naomi and Henry watched her.

"Anything?" Naomi asked.

"Nothing... She said she'd pick you up," Regina said.

"Then where is she?" Henry asked.

"I don't know..." Regina put her phone away, "Come on, let's go," Regina said.

"Go? Go where?" Naomi asked as they walked out of the mayor's house.

"To find your family," Regina said.

They got into Regina's car and she drove them to the diner and saw the Charming family with Killian outside. They got out of the car, "What's going on mom?" Henry asked.

"The diner is trashed," Emma said.

"What?" Regina said and walked inside to see the mess left by the White Rabbit's arrival.

"Where's my mum?" Naomi asked.

"I thought she was with you?" Killian said.

"No... She didn't pick me up," Naomi said.

"Then where is she?" Emma asked.

"If we knew we would've gone to her," Regina said.

Naomi ran into her father's shop and Killian and Henry followed her, "Naomi, what are you looking for?" Killian asked.

"This," Naomi pulled out her mother's sword, "She wouldn't have left without this... Unless... She didn't have a choice," Naomi said.

"What are you saying?" Killian asked.

"Where's Will?" Naomi asked.

"Who?" Killian asked.

"You know... Her friend the thief... Who you punched a few times... Where does he live?" Naomi asked.

"I don't know..." Killian said.

"Same..." Henry said.

"We need to find him... I feel like they're together," Naomi said as she looked at her mother's sword.

End of Flashback

Calista in Wonderland [OUATIW || Will Scarlet || The Crocodile's Love #8]Where stories live. Discover now