Chapter 7

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Calista, Alice and Will saw Jafar's lair in the distance of a mountain top as the three walked through the woods.

"Jafar's tower. It's so close. I could be with Cyrus by nightfall," Alice said.

"It's way up high on a bloody mountain, Alice," Will said.

"So, we'll hike," Alice said.

"I'm sayin' we should probably formulate some kind of plan. There are gonna be guards up there, big hairy ones, I reckon. And then if we do get inside, we've got to find Cyrus and if we do find Cyrus, we've got to get out alive. Which, again, with the big hairy guards," Will said.

"Why do they have to be hairy?" Calista asked.

"Aren't they always?" Will said.

"No?" Calista said.

"You're a lucky lass," Will said.

"What about executioners? Now, be careful, remember I pretended to be one to save your ass," Calista said.

"All depends on the person behind the mask, love," Will said.

Will and Calista looked at each other for a few moments and Calista quickly turned with a smile and looked at Alice, "So, what's this plan?" Calista asked.

"Finding Cyrus is ninety-nine per cent of the battle. The rest will take care of itself," Alice said as they continued to walk through the woods.

They reached a clearing in the woods and saw a lake then they noticed that the tower was actually on a floating island in the sky.

"Oh, my," Alice said.

"You were saying?" Calista said as they walked towards the lake, eyes trained on the floating mountain which held Jafar's tower.

"How are we supposed to get up there, then?" Will asked.

"I'm sure we'll figure out something," Alice said as she pulled her sword out and stabbed it into the ground before she began fumbling around her pockets.

"What are you doing?" Will asked.

"Checking inventory," Alice looked at them, "Come on. Empty them. There has to be something int here that can help us," Alice said.

Calista and Will started to pull out various things from their pockets, "Let's see, house keys, car keys, cellphone," Calista turned it on, "No signal, typical," She put it back in her back pocket and her keys in her pockets then patted around her boots, "Uh," Calista pulled out the Dark One Dagger, "Useless piece of junk," She said and slipped it back into her boot.

Will looked at the items in the palm of his hand, "Let's see. Dice, a dollar bill, keys to Granny's...She's going to be right pissed about that..." Will said as he pulled out things from his other pocket.

"Lint and a peanut," Will ate the peanut then he spat it out, "Stale peanut," Will said

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"Lint and a peanut," Will ate the peanut then he spat it out, "Stale peanut," Will said.

"Lint and a peanut," Will ate the peanut then he spat it out, "Stale peanut," Will said

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Calista in Wonderland [OUATIW || Will Scarlet || The Crocodile's Love #8]Where stories live. Discover now