Chapter 8

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In the woods, Alice and Calista were watching behind a tree as guards cloaked in red were combing the woods, looking for someone. Both of them were startled by the sounds of snapping branches and they pulled out their swords, turning to see Will walking out.

"Knave. You have us a fright. Where were you?" Alice asked.

"Sorry, nature was calling," Will said as he looked at the guards.

"Pleasant," Calista said with a roll of her eyes.

Alice looked at Will interested, "Really? What did it say?" Alice asked.

Will and Calista looked at her unsure, "Nothing you want to hear, trust me," Will looked at the guards, "So those guards out there, they're looking for us?" Will asked.

"No, they're looking for someone who's escaped. They're looking for Cyrus," Alice said.

"Oh, well, that's good, then," Will said.

"How is that good news?" Alice asked.

"'Cause if they're still looking for him, it means they haven't found him yet. But it's only a matter of time, so I suggest we start looking, too," Will said.

"Actually, we don't have to," Alice said.

"Why's that?" Calista asked.

"Because I know where he's going," Alice said.

"Where might that be?" Calista asked.

"The only place where he knows he'll be safe," Alice said.

"In Wonderland? With Jafar and the Red Queen after him? I doubt such a place exists," Will said.

"There is. He just needs to get there best before they get him," Alice said and she walked away with Calista and Will behind her.

The three of them began to travel through the woods and were putting a lot of distance between them and the guards who were out looking for Cyrus.

"So, where are we headed? Where exactly is this safe place of yours?" Will asked.

"The Outlands," Alice said.

"We're going to walk all the bloody way to the Outlands? You couldn't have picked someplace closer like... Anything else?" Will said.

"Back when Cyrus and I were together, we made a deal that if we ever got separated or if anything ever happened, we'd always meet back there," Alice said.

"Any chance you left any food there? I could use a bit," Will said.

"We just need to make a stop before we arrive," Alice said.

"Oh, of course, we bloody do. Where now?" Will asked.

"The White Rabbit's house," Alice said.

"Oh, come on," Calista and Will stopped walking and Alice looked at them, "We know you're ticked off about how he betrayed us... Well, more you two, than me, I had just met him, but is this really the time to settle a score?" Calista said.

"I don't want revenge, Calista. I want help," Alice said.

"From him? He's a bloody traitor," Will said.

"And he's our only way out of Wonderland. Don't you see? With Jafar and the Red Queen alive, we'll never be safe here. You, Calista, me and Cyrus. We need to leave today. And the Rabbit's the only one that can take us away," Alice said.

Calista looked at Will, "You can't trust him. Not after what he's done," Will said.

"He and I were friends once. Good friends. It just doesn't make sense," Alice said.

Calista in Wonderland [OUATIW || Will Scarlet || The Crocodile's Love #8]Where stories live. Discover now