Chapter 5

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Will and Anastasia were just about to jump into a portal towards when suddenly a woman entered the cottage and noticed the portal.

"What are you doing?" The woman said.

"Mother," Anastasia said.

"Did you follow us here?" Will asked.

"Damn right, I did. You're going to run off with this...loser. Is that what's happening here?" The woman said to Anastasia.

"It's none of your business," Anastasia said.

"I birthed you, dear. So if you are going to ruin your life, it absolutely is," The woman said with a disapproving frown.

"It's not ruined, mom. I found Will," Anastasia said as she glanced at Will.

"I know. That's the tragedy," The woman said with a roll of her eyes.

"Oi!" Will said offended.

"I wanted a queen for a daughter. But what did I get instead...a failure," The woman said.

"I'm happy! Finally," Anastasia said.

"With him?! I did not spend my entire life working my fingers to the bone so that you could move up only for you to toss it all away. Obviously, you're not princess material but I thought you could at least land a nobleman. Not him, Will Scarlet, the thief," The woman said.

"I'm no thief. Not anymore," Will said with a shake of his head.

"What kind of life is he going to give you?" The woman asked.

"He doesn't need to give me anything. I love him," Anastasia countered.

"You cannot live on love, Anastasia. And when you learn that lesson the hard way, you'll be right back here where you started. But when you come back bring a bucket. Because the only way you're coming back inside my house is to empty my chamber pot. Off with you, then. At least I have your sisters," The woman said.

"Don't listen to 'er. I'll build us a life. Brick by brick if I have to. I love you...for who you truly are, not who I want you to be," Will offered her, his hand, "Come on," Will said as he faced the portal with Anastasia.

"Goodbye, mom," Anastasia said and hand in hand, Will and Anastasia jumped into the portal going to Wonderland.

End of Flashback

In Wonderland Maze, Calista covered the stoned Will with a blanket over his head as Alice watched her.

"There you go. In case of rain or snow or... Anything that might fall from the sky... What am I doing?" Calista said as she exhaled deeply and lowered her head.

"I'm so sorry, Will. If I hadn't bribed you with that wish, you would've never... Cyrus always said they had consequences. Now, I understand. We will get you out of this. If we can find Cyrus then we all can..." Alice sighed, "Who are we fooling? I don't even know where he is," Alice said.

Calista in Wonderland [OUATIW || Will Scarlet || The Crocodile's Love #8]Where stories live. Discover now