Chapter 24

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Chaeyoung's P.O.V

I woke up from a good night sleep.

My body jerked forward as I remembered what happened last night.

Y/N unnie was acting a little weird. Was it something I said? Could it be when I said I like someone?

There's no way she found out it's her, right? I'm not ready to face this yet. But if it's the reason why she's acting awkward around me, then I'll just have to accept it.

But can I? Not after these few years of waiting and searching. Determined, I grabbed my phone and immediately dialled her number.

Sitting upright, cross-legged on the bed, I waited patiently for her to pick up her phone.

The ringing stopped as I heard her voice. I panicked as I realised what did I even call her for.


Ah, that morning voice. She must have just woke up. Oh no.

"Good morning, Y/N unnie! You sound like you just woke up. Did I wake you up?"


Gosh, she sounds so cute.

"Oh, I'm so sorry... I just wanted to... Nevermind..."

I got nervous and backed out immediately. What was I thinking? I can't just dial her number and expect her to agree to my last-minute plans. I'm not that special to her.

"What is it, Chaeyoung?"

My eyes widened as she decided to further ask me instead of leaving it be.

"It's okay. I can wait, you should go wash up first I guess, or even go back to sleep."

"No, it's okay. Why did you call me?"

My fingers twirled around the bedsheets before I asked her out. Of course, I'm nervous. Who wouldn't?

"...I wanted to ask if you are free..."

There. I said it. Sigh. She didn't respond. Maybe I pushed too far? I mean after what happened last night. Or maybe she didn't hear me the first time.

"Unnie... are you there?"

"Ah yes, I am. I am very free. Free like a bird!"

Oh? I smiled widely. She is free. I can't waste an opportunity like this.

"Okay! Let's meet at the Cafe, at 1 pm? Is that okay?"

I said, excitedly. It's a date. I giggled.

"Yeah sure. See you."

"See you, unnie."

I hanged up and threw my phone away. I turned around and landed my face on my pillow.

"It's just the two of us, kyaaa!"

I screamed and hit my legs onto the bed. Without wasting any more time, I got off the bed and went to get ready.


At the Café, 12 pm

I brought my hand out to look at my watch. I'm too excited, I guess. I walked in and sat by the front. This café design is rather fascinating.

It's like a bar but they sell coffee instead of drinks. I usually sit by the sides where they have the normal tables for four. But since I'm early, I always wanted to try sitting in front.

"Good afternoon, Miss. May I help you?"

I was greeted by the lady behind the bar. I smiled and looked at the menu. I have never really tried their other drinks besides my usual.

"Is there any drinks you would recommend?"

"Do you have any preferences? We do have tea as well."

I stared at the menu which felt like ages. There were so many options and they all sound so good.

"I do want something light. I am expecting someone later."

"Hmm, of course, a beautiful young lady like you have someone. I could make our speciality tea. It's light and fragrant."

I blushed at her remark and just nodded. She took the cue and proceed to make the drink for me.

I took out my phone and noticed the time was just 12.10 pm. I have heard about this café despite going here multiple times with the rest.

Some say that this place is somewhere to heal. Some say it is a place where they learn new things. I wonder how is that possible.

"Here you go, Chamomile Tea. Enjoy."

She bowed and left. But before that, I wanted to ask about this café's reputation.

"Just a moment, erm Miss-"

"It's Rena. I'm the owner of the Café. Do you have something on your mind?"

"Erm, not really..."

"Is that so? Well then, enjoy your drink."

I looked at her and she just looked at me. She then closed her eyes and chuckled.

"Something is definitely on your mind. Just shoot your shot. Always remember, you can do whatever you want. Just don't regret not taking the chance that is right in front of you."

My eyes widened at the sudden advice I received. She is right. I did take some chances, but I know I have to do it without any regrets.

"Thank you."

I see why you can learn new things here at this café. Who knew there would be someone like the owner here?

"Anyways, I'm always here as a listening ear if you ever need one."

I nodded and took some time to collate my thoughts together.

"How do you... impress someone you like?"

My voice got softer at the end. It was a pretty bold question to ask.

She was shocked and brought her hand to her chin.

I saw her reaction and just waited patiently.

"What is your situation, if you don't mind?"

"There is this girl..."

I looked at her to see if there was any big reaction. Despite knowing that this country is evolving, I'm afraid of those who are still against homosexuality.

But it seems like she didn't even budge when I said the girl.

"She was my long lost friend. But she doesn't remember me. And I really like her even when we were younger. So, I don't really know how to behave or act around her."

I could see that she was listening attentively. She took some time to think and finally answered.

"Just be yourself. I know it sounds pretty clichè but it is what it is. Maybe then she will remember you. And to impress her, maybe you could get her a gift or probably do something to lessen her workload. I am assuming you two are students."

Maybe that's what I should do. Just be me.

I heard the door's bell ring, indicating a new customer. I turned to see Y/N unnie.

"Hey, Chaeyoung."

"Hey, Y/N/N"

Author's Note: Hey guys. Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for your patience. I know I'm one of the worst but things have been hard. I just felt like writing this story again. So, I hope this motivation stays.

My Only Truth Is You - BLACKPINK Rosè x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now