Kings Cross Station

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a/n I haven't updated in sorry writers block

lol sorry writers block

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January 1977

Time had seemingly flown by and before they knew it  Cassiopeia and Lily were back at Kings Cross station. Cassiopeia Black really wasn't one to get nervous, but after returning to the Evans' home three days ago reality had kicked in and the girl had realised she would have to see her family again, but she wasn't sure how they would react. So Cassiopeia sent her red headed friend a tight smile "I'll catch up with you in a bit..I need to speak to my brother"

Assuming she meant Sirius, Lily nodded skipping off to find her compartment whilst Cassiopeia began walking in the opposite direction. James Potter and Sirius Black boarded the train hoping to see the Black girl sitting with Lily but when they saw Lily on her own and the girl replied with "I thought she was going to go see you?" they assumed the worse and rushed into the Slytherin section of the train to find the girl wrapped in a warm embrace with Regulus and Narcissa, Lucius standing on the side lines watching sadly.

The Malfoy boy caught the eye of the two Gryffindors sending them both a curt nod out of respect for Cassiopeia and they supposed as a thank you for keeping her safe, the thanks was wordless yet they didn't expect much from a boy who looked at them as Blood Traitors, Cassie was the only 'blood traitor' he would ever truly respect, perhaps it was because of his unrequited love for the girl or even the fact that she is one of his oldest friends, but either way the boys didn't care as long as they knew that no matter what side of the war she was on she would always be protected by both sides.

Lucius was slightly disappointed when he learnt that the girl had ran away, because he must admit he was rather looking forward to the engagement that their parents had arranged, his parents wanted him to marry a black and she was not only the prettiest and mister tolerable but he also had genuine feelings for the girl, and was comfortable around her so it would definitely be a far more enjoyable marriage than anyone else. However, when she ran away the plans had to be changed and that is how he ended up engaged to one Narcissa Malfoy. Lucius was in his seventh year and would be leaving Hogwarts within a few months. It was expected that as soon as Narcissa completes her studies they are to Marry meaning that he would only have to wait a year and a half. Despite how much he longed for it to be Cassie he was marrying he could see how happy James Potter married her and therefore he was able to push aside his bitter feelings for the boy and allow the girl to be happy. 

Narcissa was not exactly happy about the arrangement either but she supposed she could put up with it as long as her cousin, and best friend was happy. She longed to have her cousin with her at family events again and had no ill feelings towards the girl, she may not entirely agree with her choices but she refused to hold them against her especially when they had been through so much together. In all honesty Narcissa was the least torn up about it knowing that her friendship with the girl would never change, but Narcissa was also concerned for her cousin, because much like her twin she had a terrible temper and was very reckless, so without Narcissa and Lucius there to calm her down..what would happen to her? It was not something she wanted to think about but she knew that as long as Cassiopeia had James, Sirius and Lily, she would be safe. But with the war brewing what if something were to happen to them?...what if she lashed out?

The blonde was not the only Black sister distraught over the leaving of the girl, but surprisingly Bellatrix was too. Bellatrix and Cassiopeia had a lot in common, and arguably had a stronger bond than her and Narcissa. Whilst Cassie and Narcissa were like best friends..Bellatrix and Cassie were like sisters and when together made a dangerous pair. One could only imagine the reign of terror the two would have should Cassiopeia have stayed and taken the mark. Taking the mark would ultimately lead to Cassie losing her twin brother and everyone knew that would be a grief she would not handle kindly. Unlike most people who mourn and cry over the loss of a relationship or loved one, Cassiopeia grieved in anger, she would lash out and show no remorse or humanity, even after the grieving process is complete. But the difference between the loss of a friendship and her taking the mark would be that the loss of one friendship is a temporary problem but taking the mark would lead to an unimaginable amount of losses that were never ending and Cassie would probably go insane. That paired with Cassie and Bella's bond would make anyones skin crawl. Bellatrix Lestrange and Cassiopeia Black were a force to be reckoned with. Growing up Bella had been a sort of mentor for the young Black so the first spell that Cassiopeia ever knew was a dark one. The cruciatus curse. She had never practiced it herself..using her own wand at least, but whenever she did it pointing the wand at the small spider it never worked, perhaps it was the wand movement or the lack of meaning, or maybe it was just her pure and innocent mind. 

When Cassiopeia went missing Bellatrix was extremely upset seeing the girl as a younger sister and yet she had no doubt that her little cousin would return to them, even if it be years from now, Bellatrix claimed she simply had a feeling. 

Regulus was also sad over his sisters departing from their family but he knew she was safe now, and despite being unable to protect him she could still protect Sirius. "I love you" he mumbled into her hair as he felt her tears stain his shirt. He would forever miss his sisters presence in their home knowing that she wouldn't return, not in his lifetime at least. 

"I love you too Reggie" she sniffed gripping tighter before letting go one last time and departing from her brother an indefinite amount of time as she walked away from the three moving back to James and Sirius into their warm embrace as they walked away and for once Cassiopeia Black knew  she was safe.

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