I'll break your heart

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"You're actually going to this bloody slug club thing?" said Sirius in disgust

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"You're actually going to this bloody slug club thing?" said Sirius in disgust

"Of course!" nodded the girl "Regulus and I both, Lucius has decided to be the one to accompany me, and Regulus is going with Narcissa."

"Malfoy!" spat the boy in disgust "You're going with Malfoy?!" 

"Don't be so dramatic Sirius" she said with a roll of her eyes 

"I'm not dramatic! He's just a git."

"Sirius darling, you are the biggest drama queen I know."

The boy huffed and began grumbling under his breath rolling his eyes until his eyes flashed and his frown morphed into a grin. 

"Oh no." started Cassiopeia "Don't give me that look- Sirius what ever you're thinking, stop it. No-"

"Here's an idea!" he grinned

"Oh merlin have mercy..."

"Why don't you go with James?!" 

"I was unaware James was even attending this...thing." said Cassiopeia confused "Besides why doesn't he just ask Evans?, she was checking him out the other day, I reckon he could actually get her this year you know."

"Because he doesn't fancy Lily anymore." said Sirius rolling his eyes 

"Pity.." hummed Cassie "I don't really care." she shrugged

"Of course you don't." sighed Sirius "Just go with James."

"I've already agreed to go with Lucius." sighed the girl "I'll still see him there." she shrugged 


"Now onto more important issues." said Cassie clasping her hands then pulling out two fabric swatches one black, one green and one deep blue. "Which one?" 

"Black definitely..makes your eyes pop" nodded the boy making her smile gratefully as she pocketed the other two swatches and shoved the black into an envelope "What's it for anyway?"

"Bellatrix's wedding." said the girl nonchalantly 

"You're going to that?!" he exclaimed

"Of course I am! I'm one of the bridesmaids." she smirked smugly


"Hey!" scolded the girl slapping the boy with the envelope "I happen to be rather excited for the wedding" she said matter of factly "And I happen to enjoy Bellatrix's company very much."

"She's a sociopath!" he exclaimed wide eyed

"She is not! She's just...slightly sadistic at times. But I find her hilarious." huffed the Black

"You're insane." he said wide eyed

"Oh shush." 


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