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"It's been a while since we have

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"It's been a while since we have..spoken" Lucius said as he and Cassiopeia walked alongside each other toward the great hall. 

"It has hasn't it" agreed the girl

"Quite so, I can't help but notice you've been spending an increasing amount of time with Potter ought to choose what company you keep wisely else people may start to consider you a blood-traitor"

Cassiopeia tensed at the use of the phrase refraining herself from sending a glare in the blondes direction. "I appreciate your concern Lucius, but I can assure you James and I are merely acquaintances"

"Acquaintances who are on first name basis I see." pointed out the boy with a raised brow "I'm not going to judge you for being friends with the boy Cassiopeia, I am merely suggesting you be more discreet. People are starting to talk, you must be careful before someone sends word to your parents."

"I'll be fine." scoffed the girl.

"You're too reckless sometimes. You must be careful." he scolded 

"Fine!" huffed the girl "Look if it makes you feel better I'll be more discreet with my friendship with Potter. Alright?"

"That's all I ask Cassiopeia." nodded the boy "I just don't want to see you get hurt." 

She rolled her eyes at the boy as they walked into the potions classroom and the girl took her usual seat next to James Potter.

"You look hot." she smirked sliding into her seat next to the messy haired boy.

James perked up hearing the girls voice gulping slightly as she sat down and he saw her skirt hitch up her thighs slightly revealing bare skin that wasn't covered by her knee high socks. "Could say the same about you" he flirted checking her out.

"I'm glad..." she smirked biting her lip as she looked at the boy.

"Prongs stop flirting with my sister!" Sirius yelled from across the room

"She's flirting with me!" he defended 

"I thought you said I couldn't flirt?" said Cassiopeia feigning shock 

"You can't. You don't flirt, you seduce, theres a difference."

"That's literally the same thing." scoffed the girl "Even if it wasn't, it's not my fault you find me irresistible" said the girl batting her eyelashes dramatically 

"I do not!" he defended 

"Sure you don't.." winked the girl

"You're infuriating" huffed the boy

"You're sexy" she purred in attempt to rile the boy up


"I'm joking." laughed the girl "You're absolutely adorable" she said pinching his cheek making the boy swat her hand away. 

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