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a/n- sorry it's been ages, had bad writers block, also I know Lucius and Narcissa are older but for the purpose of this story they are not :)

a/n- sorry it's been ages, had bad writers block, also I know Lucius and Narcissa are older but for the purpose of this story they are not :)

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"How are you feeling?" asked James as he and Cassie sat in the room of requirement cuddled up on a loveseat in the corner of the warm room. She had her head resting on his chest as he rubbed her arm with his thumb in a comforting manner.

"I miss them" she sighed speaking out in honesty. "I just..I wish things could be different, I wish that my family were normal and Sirius, Reg and I could all live happily together" she said allowing a single tear to slip down her cheek. "Bellatrix and I have always been close, arguably closer than Narcissa and I, but now I'm sure that bond is severed" she confessed "But nevertheless, I'm happy I left, I can be happy now, I don't have to worry about mother or father finding out about us, and now we can be happy together." she smiled gently "And when we leave, I think we should get a nice little house somewhere in the countryside" she smiled dreamily thinking about a future with James. 

"Oh we're gonna love together are we?" grinned the boy teasingly 

"Plan on breaking up with me before then do you?" challenged Cass as James shook his head rapidly.

"No course not!"

"That's what I thought" she snorted the two in a comfortable silence for a short moment "I'm really grateful for you, you know? And Remus, and Peter, and especially Lily-though I do think she fancies you a bit" 

"Who doesn't?" snorted James "I'm James Potter, dashingly handsome, awfully chivalrous and not to mention the best quidditch player in all of Hogwarts history"

"Puh-lease" scoffed Cassiopeia "I'd hardly label you the best" teased the girl "Besides..Malfoy is so much better...not to mention his abs"

James shot her an offended look rolling over so that he was on top of her trapping her with his arms "Take that back right now". 

Cassie looked at him mischievously through her lashes biting back a laugh. "Snape's been looking good lately. I bet he's a fantastic sha-"

James didn't allow the girl to finish as he connected their lips in one swift motion. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he deepened the kiss the topic of conversation now long forgotten."Shut up" he mumbled against her lips "I love you" he smiled 

"I love you too" she giggled "You're hot when you're jealous"


Lily Evans was walking alone through the corridors as she rounded a corner and was met by none other than Narcissa Black, soon to be Malfoy according to the daily prophet. 

"Evans" Narcissa spoke cooly trying her best to refrain from making any remarks, and avoiding being seen by any onlookers as much as she possibly could. Lily looked at the girl with eyes widened in fear, everyone in Hogwarts knew Narcissa was an extremely influential witch, especially now that Cassiopeia was no longer part of their family for an indefinite amount of time. After Cassiopeia left, Narcissa became the most desired of the blacks by other pureblood families. It was no secret that everyone wanted a link to the Blacks, and now with Andromeda disowned, Bellatrix married and Cassiopeia..well..on 'holiday' for an indefinite amount of time, Narcissa Black was their only way in, unless one of their daughters were to marry Regulus, but that would take years he was hardly of age. Nevertheless, Narcissa was now the Black stood in the spotlight, she was a rather pretty girl not as pretty as Cassiopeia according to certain sources (Lucius) but still pretty, she had wide brown eyes, sharp cheekbones and brunette hair with a little bit of blonde, she didn't have the characteristics of a black oh no, she resembled the Rosier's much more, her lips thin yet pouted, and skin pale but had a healthy glow about her. Not only was she beautiful but she was smart and quick with her wand, therefore inflicting fear to those who dared look at her the wrong way, but Cassie would tell you that Cissa wouldn't hurt a fly (unless she really had to). Which is exactly why Lily Evans couldn't help but be intimidated by the taller girl, her mouth opening and closing like a fish she was completely and utterly terrified, she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of someone so influential in the wizarding world but she couldn't help it so she just squeaked out a:


Narcissa shot her a look with a raised brow but her features softened as she remembered what she was going to say to the girl. "Thank you." were the only two word she said, and it took no genius to work out what she was thanking her for. Keeping her cousin safe. Her friend.

Cassie and Narcissa were close, not as close as the former was with Bellatrix seeing as Bella had after all taught her everything that she knows, from the latest trends in regards to beauty to how to cast the perfect glamour charm. Bellatrix had a soft spot for cassiopeia and their relationship was a stark contrast in comparison to any others within the Black family, they had a bond of sorts that was unbreakable no matter what. Technically speaking Cassiopeia was a blood-traitor, and of course since Cassie left she had been more open about her relationship with a certain group of Gryffindors. By now there was no doubt in the world that she now knew about their forbidden romance, but despite this all, Bellatrix would make an exception for Cassiopeia and had faith that one day she would come home even if it is years from now. The bond between Narcissa and Cassie was one of best friends whereas Bella and Cass were like sisters. 

"It's okay" smiled Lily in slight shock watching as Narcissa nodded stiffly before swiftly departing with her head held high nose in the air and emotionless look on her. The further Narcissa walked away from the red headed muggleborn girl the more emotion she allowed to show. Once she was sure that she was out of earshot she let out a sigh of relief and allowed a few tears to escape her eyes, tears of sadness and joy, for her best friend had escaped. She was safe now, and Narcissa knew that Lily Evans and her family would care for her as their own.


"Brother" came the cold greeting voice of Regulus Black as he appeared in the entrance way to the astronomy tower being greeted by the smell of cold air and cigarette smoke.

"Reg" nodded Sirius in greeting barely casting him a glance as he let out another puff of his cigarette before flicking away the ash and then stamping it out. 

"How is she?" 

"Fine" Sirius shrugged bluntly still not looking at his brother "Tell me Reg, got any tattoos lately?" 

Regulus paid no mind to Sirius' obvious jab at him and simply rolled his eyes not bothered in the slightest. Of course Cassie told Sirius everyone knew that even when they didn't get along the twins told each other everything, the day that the twins bond fell apart was the day the wizarding world crumbled. "Where is she staying? With you and Potter?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" snarked Sirius "Gonna tell Mummy and Daddy?" he asked sarcastically

"Of course not" scoffed Regulus "I want her safe as much as you do" he hissed "So for once, let's put our differences aside and speak civilly. The place she is staying, are they kind?"


"Good" nodded Regulus stiffly wanting to say more but was seemingly hesitant. But after a while of deafening and painfully awkward silence he made the bold decision to finally speak up. "It was her next you know." he finally spoke out "Had she not left when she did, she would be engaged to Lucius and receiving the mark by Halloween." he paused "We used to be so close. You, Cass and I. What happened? What changed?"

"I got sorted into Gryffindor." Sirius shrugged "Snakes and lions don't mix well"

"Well Cass and Potter seem to get on just fine" scoffed Regulus "So that's bullshit. What happened Sirius?"

Sirius just shrugged changing the subject, because in all honesty he didnt know the answer to his brothers question. "Are they angry? With Cass?"

"No" said Regulus shaking his head "Upset. Yes. But not angry, not even slightly"

"They always did favour her over us" shrugged Sirius not surprised by his brothers answer. The two boys were silent for a few more moments until Regulus spoke up for a final time.

"Look after her won't you. She's delicate, more so than she would like to admit" and with these final quick words Regulus hesitated once more for a moment before turning around to leave the tower.

Sirius said nothing but stared out at the grounds listening to his brother intently, his mind and heart screaming at him to say a thousand things and mend that severed bond between him and his brother. But he couldn't, consumed by fear, he hesitated for a moment too long. And so, like a fool, Sirius let his brother walk away without another word. He let out a shout of anger punching the stone wall, surely breaking his knuckles but he was too consumed by rage to care for the throbbing in his fist. Because, Sirius had once more let his siblings down. He couldn't protect Regulus no matter how hard he tried, not anymore.

Oh how he wished he could do better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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