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It was November 3rd 1977 and seventeen years ago Cassiopeia and Sirius Black were born

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It was November 3rd 1977 and seventeen years ago Cassiopeia and Sirius Black were born. Neither of them particularly cared for their birthday but today was different. Not every birthday was the one in which you came of age. 

"Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy birthday!" screamed Narcissa as she leaped on top of Cassiopeia's bed crushing the girl in a hug. 

Cassiopeia groaned hair sticking up with drool down her chin "Fuck off."

"No. Breakfast is in an hour and you need to get you can get some birthday loving' from Potter" winked the blonde mischievously as she pulled the quilt off of the girl. 

Begrudgingly Cassiopeia got up and proceeded to have a quick shower, using a few glamour charms to fix her hair and makeup. Slipping into her uniform she grabbed her robes and linked arms with Narcissa as they glided into the Great Hall heads held high. 

Cassie tie draped loosely around her neck, the first few buttons of her shirt were undone and her skirt slowly drifted up her thigh with every step she took. The two made their way toward the Slytherin table Narcissa slipping into a seat between Avery and Rosier and Cassiopeia between Regulus and Lucius. 

"Happy Birthday Cass." smiled Regulus slipping a medium sized box into his sisters hands. 

"Oh thank you Reggie!" the girl smiled at her younger brother opening the box to see a locket. She opened it and inside was a photo of her and her brothers, when they were happy. The memory brought happy tears to the girls eyes as she threw her arms around the boy. Feeling Lucius' hand slip into her pocket. The girl frowned feeling her pocket to see what it was he slipped in, retracting her hand the girl found a beautiful diamond bracelet. 

"Happy birthday" he whispered smiling down at her

"Thank you." she smiled back 

"So...Cass" started Rosier making the girl look up "You going to the party later?"

"What Party?" frowned the girl in confusion as Avery clipped him around the head. 

"You fool! It was meant to be a surprise!" scolded the boy making Cassiopeia giggle her eyes drifted across the hall and she saw her twin brother opening gifts from his friends, she made eye contact with James and he mouthed a 'happy birthday' making her smile and avert her gaze.

"Well..suprise!" said Rosier sarcastically "There now she's been surprised. Are you going?"

Cassiopeia scoffed at the question "When has Cassiopeia Black ever said no to a party?"



Cassiopeia was walking to her Charms lesson when she was pulled into a dim broom closet. She squealed in surprise as she turned to face her kidnapper only to be met with the eyes of her gorgeous boyfriend James Potter. 

"You scared me." she scolded looking up at the boy but unable to stay mad as she looked at his features. James Potter truly was attractive. "You look fit" 

James let out a laugh at his girlfriends bluntness and looked down at her amusedly "Thank you darling, happy birthday" he smiled handing the girl a tiny box.

"Thank you." Cassie whispered back leaning up to peck him lightly on the lips and pulling away. She opened the box to see a beautiful ring, it had a pear cut diamond in the centre with 'Potter' engraved into the band. "Oh James" gasped the girl "I don't know what to say! It's gorgeous!"

"It belonged to my mother" he smiled "She told me my father gave it to her when they got together, said I should do the same. It's like a promise ring I suppose but it's not, it just shows how much I need you." he shrugged 

Cassiopeia smiled grinning up at him, she went on her tip toes and kissed him "I love it James. It's beautiful"

"Okay good because if you didn't this would be really fucking awkward" he sighed in relief. Cassiopeia smiled and checked her wrist watch frowning slightly.

"We've already missed half of charms" she shrugged "May as well not show up now" 

"What else do you propose we do" asked the boy curiously 

Cassiopeia's eyes darkened as she kissed the boy their lips moving in sync as she slipped her tongue into his mouth, his hands rested on her hips and hers around the back of his neck. Their bodies pressed close together the contact making James' trousers tighten, making the girl grin mischievously as she pulled away from the kiss taking in James' disheveled appearance as his heart beat faster watching his girlfriend kiss lower and lower down his chest until she was finally on her knees making his breath hitch in anticipation. 

She looked up at the boy through her dark lashes biting her lip slightly making the boy groan. "I suggest.." started the girl kissing his clothed thigh "We." she said placing a kiss at the very bottom of his stomach James' heart was beating fast and his breathing became heavy "Pray." she finished smiling up at the boy, pulling him out of his trance his eyes shooting open as he glared down at the girl knelt in front of him. 


"Let's pray" she shrugged innocently 

"You tease" he smiled shaking his head at the girl as she winked at him standing up getting ready to leave the broom closet. "Where are you going?" he frowned 

"Charms." she said innocently 

"No you're not" he said grabbing her wrist and pulling her into his chest kissing her passionately making her giggle at his dominance as he pulled away. "You're gonna finish what you started"

Cassiopeia grinned biting her lip "And if I don't?" 

"You'll just have to take that chance won't you?" he smirked kissing her again.

It would be safe to say that the couple did no form of praying in that closet. 

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