Imagine 12: Crush [soft-feelings]

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Tags: Yunho x Reader

Yunho had a crush.

The realization of his own feelings had caused him to trip on his own feet mid-dance, the choreographer moving to stop the music as he looked at him with slight concern.

Who woudn't? They were midpractice going through some major details for their first Kingdom stage when his mind had started drifting off.

His thoughts swirling and floating  further away until they landed on you.

Thump Thump

He thought about your smile and the way your eyes crinkled up whenever you were amused.

Thump Thump

He thought about your elegant mannerism and the face of horror you made whenever one of the guys came up with some outrageous plan (it was mostly Wooyoung if he may say so)

 Thump Thump

He thought about how cute you were and how much his clothes would swallow you up  whenever you came over to the dorms for a movie night. It was almost like a routine, as soon as  you entered the dorm you made a straight beeline for his closet, claiming that 'comfort maketh man'.
Those were wise words indeed.

Yunho shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. He still could not understand what you meant by that, but to be honest it didn't even matter; he would gladly give up his closet to you, if that made you happy.

Yunho was reliving the first time he met you.

It had been so random.

Yunho had been speed-walking through the mall, his steps light and fluid as he skimmed through the mass of people.

He had a mask and a hat on so the affronted looks he got whenever he zoomed passed somebody did not faze him.

The more he walked the closer he got to his target.

The green fluorescent sign that was blinking up "boba" getting clearer and bigger with each step.

Yunho beamed up as he finally got close enough to see his favorite bubble tea shop. It was still open albeit they were about to close in 30 minutes but there was no queue!

It was a miracle !

Yunho excitedly made his way to the counter,smiling as he gave his greeting to the old owner,who he had grown attached to. He sometimes visited the man in his free time and spent the afternoon having small talks when it was peaceful. The guy did not know Yunho was an idol but he did not think that he would be treated any different even if he found out.

"-Hello uncle !" he said cheerfully leaning onto the counter.

"Ah! Hello son, it's been awhile ,how  are you holding up?" replied the man going for a high five. His usual attempt at appearing as an Insa.

Yunho giggled "-I'm doing good uncle, I have just been really busy lately,"

The older guy nodded in understanding "-You got to make your big boy moves now that you're young. Anyway, what can I get for you? The usual?"

"-Actually uncle I was thinking of trying the special of the month, the Matcha boba!"

The man made a sudden grimace his eyes apologetic as he replied "-Unfortunately we've just run out of syrup for it, I just sold the last one. We've been busier than usual today. I'm so sorry" he said patting his shoulder

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