Imagine 2: Days like this pt.2 [Fluff]

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Tags: Ensemble x Reader (minor Seonghwa focus)

It was one of those days, one of those summer hot days ,where your friends also known as Ateez came to crash at your house because 1- you had a garden and 2- they were about to go touring and would not see you in moments.

Everything was going great, it was just a chill day until you screamed as the heavy bucket of cold water hit your body ;the contrast between the hot temperature and the icy bucket making you shiver as droplets of water cascaded out of your now soaked clothes.

A set of high-pitched voices were heard howling in laughter.

you huffed exasperated as you gave San and Wooyoung a side glare.

The two froze for a few seconds , scared of your impending anger but as they watched the way you attempted to squeeze out the excess water from your now sticky and soggy shirt they burst out laughing again; Their bodies tied between themselves as they rolled on the floor.

You sighed at the sight rolling your eyes at them.

"-Here" you heard a voice say

You turned around to see Yunho hand you a towel.

You took feeling thankful

"-They're back at it, again aren't they?" he asked chuckling

You smiled as you watched how his little nose scrunched up

"-Hyung~ play with me I am bored!"

You heard as you turned around just in time to catch Jongho trying to act cute ( which was a sight to see) as he attempted to trick Hongjoong into arm wrestling with him.

You stifled a laughter as you witnessed Hongjoong's face morphed into one of horror.

Jongho had already brought out the foldable table , meaning to set it up when two more voices were heard approaching from the distance.

"-Guys! we're back we got the ice creams"

Yeosang and Seonghwa approached you guys with two big plastic bags in tow.

San, Wooyoung and Yunho rushed towards it, already shot gunning their favourite flavours.

A long set of limbs was seen skirting past you to join the ice cream huddle. It was Mingi

'ah' you muttered lowly ; you had almost forgotten he was present.

He had taken over your little shade ,in the garden doing who knows what, and had not come out until now.

You observed as they all happily munched on their icy prize with a smile on your face. It was night to spend time like this ,altogether.

You were about to join them when your body jostled at the strength of your sneeze.

You grimaced looking at the drying yet still wet.

You glanced at the boys who were now quietly conversing before slipping out of sight.

You went to your room and rapidly changed into a simple set of black shorts and a white tee.

It was not anything fancy, after all comfort was your priority.

You had made your way to the kitchen to grab some fruit to munch on when you noticed someone fiddling with your freezer.

You couldn't tell who it was from the angle you were on as the big white door covered the crouched person's upper body.

That does not stop your mischievousness from kicking it.

You tiptoed your way around the dining table then bounced on your prey tickling their sides.

Unfortunately for you that had not been the smartest thing because they went down with a startled grabbing onto you as they did so.

You expected to feel pain as you felt yourself being dragged down but instead you felt your weight settle on top of a rigid body, not so comfortable but definitely less painful than the hard ground.

You looked up to see that you were indeed on top of Seonghwa , the latter was blinking almost in disbelief.

You were just stuck staring at him until it hit you that he must have shifted his body to mellow your fall so you would not be hurt.

As you brain finally processed the information you exclaimed

"Oh my God, Seonghwa are you ok!"

Seonghwa glanced down to you, giving you one of those charming smiles

"-I am fine darling, but you know you shouldn't sneak up on people like that, it could be dangerous" he gently reprimanded you, bopping your nose lightly without any malice, as if you were a little child .

You blushed when you realized you could feel his warm breath on you. You were actually closer than you expected . You could even feel the steady rhythms of his heartbeat with how close you were

You hid your face on the croon of his neck out of embarrassment causing him to chuckle lightly, the whole vibrations of his laughter passing through you as you still laid on top of him

"-I really am fine" he reassured you

"but we do need to get up, unless.... you were planning to lay on me from the beginning" he said his voice going from his soothing, calming time to something more sultry

You flushed and scrambled to your feet in embarrassment, after realizing just how long you had stayed in that position 'horrified at the possible thought of him thinking you were a perv'

As soon as you got up you bolted out, not turning nor stopping, the voice of Seonghwa's laughter echoing through and making your heart speed a little, as you willed your blues away.

It was nice,

Days like this were nice.

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