Imagine 6: Safe with you [Fluff]

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Tags: Phobia au, Yunho x Reader, comfort, fluff

It's not like you were afraid of thunder.

No, because that would have been ridiculous at your age and maturity.

They certainly did not make you want to hide under your blankets , and most certainly did not make you panic.

At least that's what you were trying to convince yourself off.

You were cuddled in a cocoon of blankets, body shivering as you kept your eyes closed when a particular loud rumbled caused you to jump and emit a whimper.

The tip tap on your windows had grown even harder, making for a clear sign of an impending storm coming.

You did not like the rain.

Rain brought the wind making even the brightest of days cold and icy.

The rain brought the dark, making the atmosphere gloomy and mellow.

The rain brought a mess.

You did not like the feeling of having wet clothes sticking to you. It was yucky and very uncomfortable.

To be honest there were hundreds of other reasons you could list as to why you did not like the rain but the most important one would have to be that where there is rain, there is also thunder.

The loud ,booming natural phenomena caused your ears to ring, and your heart to race uncontrollably.

Often when younger you would find yourself cradling in between your parents in their big queen size bed, their presence and warmth bringing you comfort.

You could no longer relish in your parents' comfort, for one you lived far away in another different country, having decided to study abroad had caused the unavoidable physical distance between you.

Secondly you were too old for it, you were now a young woman. It would be considered as weird and abnormal to still seek such comfort at our age.

You had begun counting the mental image of sheeps when a surprisingly extremely loud surge of thunder was heard ripping into our apartment.

The loud sound caused you to let out a high-pitched screech. The tiny trickles of tears forming in your eyes.

You had your phone with you, held tight in your trembling hands.

It did not take long before you scrambled for the speed dial, mind not processing your actions.

You did not bother looking at the front screen as the ringing of the number being dialled greeted your now silent bedroom.

To be honest you had no idea how you did it, but you managed to put the phone on loudspeaker.

1 ring

2 rings

"-Hello, Babe?" it was with an unprecedented relief that you heard your boyfriend's voice at the other end.

"-Is everything ok doll, it's so late... are you okay?"

You heard him ask in a worried tone.

Yunho was the protective type, so the fact that you were ringing him at 3 o'clock in the morning must have certainly alarmed him.

You were just about to reply when another murderous thunder was heard slicing through the sky.

That caused you to let out a loud whimper ,which was undoubtedly heard by Yunho.

"-Babe? Baby listen to me it's going to be okay" he said, his tone comforting and relying.

But instead of a reply what he heard was your little muffled sniffle

All of a sudden you heard what seemed to be shuffling noises

"-Was he moving around?"

Anyone you attempted to tune out your surrounding as you listened to his instructing voice

"-Honey , are you there? I want you to focus on me, focus on my voice doll, you can do this"

To be honest you still were not processing exactly what was going on, but you listened him,

His gentle yet deep voice, washing you with a feeling of calmness.

Your heart rate had actually gone down, and you could now breathe without choking.

You were almost completely lost in your own world when you felt a pair of arms around you.

Your eyes shot open, your body freezing in shock and growing panic when your brain finally caught up and processed the voice of the person embracing you.

"-Yunho?" you asked tentatively

You heard your boyfriend hum in response

confused you asked him

"-But how...."

"-I heard your whimper and heard the thunder....I Came as soon as I realized what was going on. I'm sorry doll I should have been here sooner but I'm here now ,you're safe with me.

How you got so lucky to score a boyfriend so perfect, you would never know.

Yunho had literally left the comfort of his home at ass o' clock in the morning just to help you through your weird fear.

It was touching, it was comforting.

it was everything you could ever ask for.

That night you ended up forgetting about the stormy night and incessant sky rumbles.

As you laid in his embrace only one thing crossed your mind.

"you were safe with him


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See you on the next one !

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