Imagine 10:The weather is not bad [Merry Christmas]🎄 ☃️

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It was freezing.

That's it.

That's the fact.

It was freezing to the point where your toes had curled up and stuck in position and the tip of your nose no longer felt there.

It was wet as well.

The tiny snowflakes that fell on your exposed hair melting and turning into water as they made contact with the surface.

Your face was scrunched up in a frown, teeth clattering as you muttered a few curses under your breath.

Why did they have to drag you out in such horrifying weather

Suddenly a loud and echoing surge of laughter was heard echoing through the large space that was your backyard.

Turning towards the direction of the source of that loud yet warm laughter you made eye contact with Seonghwa who was not so subtly giving death glares at Jongho and Mingi who had decided that he'd be their next victim and had manhandled so he back was now on the floor the two attempting to bury him alive with the thick snow that laid on the field but, failing miserably.

On the other side Yunho and Yeosang were building a snowman, but not a regular snowman.

The two were attempting to mould the melting ice into the classical Michael Jackson pose.

The two of them making weird noises and moonwalking their way through the slippery ground.

And in the far corner you could see Hongjoong chasing after the two-inseparable fake maknaes, San and Woo young who had ganged up on their leader throwing big balls of snow at their leader.

The older man squealing as their shots made contact with his reddened face.

You were smiling to yourself enjoying the view temporarily spaced out when all of a sudden you heard all 8 voices calling out to you.

"-Y/N!!!! Come play with us, it's fun!"

And as your mind cleared up from your daydream you saw the 8 of them standing in a line, their warm faces and warm smiles calling out to you.

And as you took the first steps forwards, you broke into a large grin.

Cold forgotten and frown all wiped out.

And you thought to yourself

"- The weather is not bad"


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

I'm not going to lie, I whipped this really quickly at the last minute.

It's short but I hope it was still enjoyable.

I will begin posting the requested chapters from new year, as I'm a little busy organizing my move to my new dorm, this coming week.


Anyway, hope everyone stays healthy and has a happy new year!!!

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