Imagine 14: Mine [Hongjoong x Male reader x Smut|Request]

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Warning: Smut,Uncensored

Y/N sighed as he looked at the obnoxiously loud vintage wood clock that was placed in their chaotic yet artistic living room.

3 am.

It was 3 am, and still no sight of Hongjoong...

Y/N couldn't help but frown as he fought off a yawn. His eyes begged to finally be allowed to rest as he lay sprawled lazily on the gigantic white leather couch in the living room. The cold oozing out of the furniture caused him to shiver, as he had no blanket with him. He had fallen asleep while waiting for his partner to return.

It wasn't that he was mad about Hongjoong coming home late so often; after all, he understood the great responsibility that came with being the leader of one of the most talented and fast-growing boy groups in the world. It was only natural to want to work hard and prove yourself to a world that so easily placed people under scrutiny and unwarranted prejudice.

Y/N understood that.

But it was also essential for Hongjoong to take some time to take care of himself so that he could give his best at every stage of his fast-growing career.

Sighing, Y/N made his way back to the bedroom. He was really hoping that Hongjoong would come home early, as he had a bad habit of not being able to sleep soundly unless he was in the older man's arms.

Y/N didn't want to bother Hongjoong, but as he sprawled himself on top of their old and empty king-sized bed, he couldn't help but let his thumb hover over the speed dial where Hongjoong's number was saved.

One ring.

Two rings.

Third ring— "Hello? Darling... why are you awake at this time? Is everything alright?" asked Hongjoong, slightly worried.

He didn't expect his lover to still be awake so early in the morning. Although he suspected that he was the cause of it.

Y/N let out another sigh upon hearing Hongjoong's raspy voice over the phone, but this time it was a sigh of relief. Strangely enough, the simple sound of his boyfriend's voice immediately made him feel better. Unbeknownst to him, the tension in his shoulders relaxed as he briefly closed his eyes before opening them again, wishing his significant other was by his side.

"I was waiting for you..." he said softly, not wanting to be accusatory but also not wanting to lie.

Hongjoong immediately felt guilty, looking at the unfinished layers of the soundtrack he was working on. He could have gone home after saving his project, as he could continue later, given he had already done the hardest part of the production. But Hongjoong liked to finish all of his projects at once rather than delaying them.

"I'm sorry, babe. I was just working on this new track for the album. I'll be done very soon. Why don't you go ahead and get some rest? I'll join you very soon. I promise."

Y/N whined at his response.

He really wanted Hongjoong to come back sooner rather than later. He knew that if he agreed with Hongjoong, he probably wouldn't see him until later that evening.

Apart from Hongjoong needing rest, Y/N had actually missed him. These days the group had too many schedules and events given the rise in their popularity. So it had been a long time since he and Hongjoong had spent quality time together.

He missed him.

He missed his voice.

He missed his touch.

He missed his scent.

He just missed everything about him, and the more Y/N brooded over how much he wanted Hongjoong there, the more he started to get riled up.

The hand that wasn't holding his cellphone sneaked into the comfort of his laced undies before he could comprehend his own actions.

"Baby?" asked Hongjoong, worried at the silence that reverberated on the other side of the phone. He knew he was being a bit selfish and that his partner needed him but—

A moan.

A moan yanked Hongjoong out of his swirling thoughts as he heard the heavy pants and stifled moaning from the other line.

"Babe? Talk to me..." he said, holding his breath. He hoped that what he thought he heard wasn't actually happening, as he knew that he would no longer be able to stay rooted in the studio if his suspicions were right.

"Jo-Joong... I n-need you..." he heard a sudden squelch and a gasp of pleasure as his partner incoherently called for him, the sinful sound coming from the end of the line sending heat directly to his own member.

'Fuuuuck,' he thought to himself. He was screwed.

He couldn't even formulate an adequate response as he heard his partner obviously playing with himself, the squelching noise increasing.

"So... tight..." he heard his lover gasp aloud.

'Shit shit shit,' Hongjoong looked at the bright monitor of his computer that was looking back at him with his working file open.

He was still torn, but he couldn't deny that the lewd sounds his lover was emitting were getting to him as the room suddenly felt too hot and stuffy and his pants felt increasingly tight.

Hongjoong groaned before messily passing a hand through his hair.

Inhaling hard to steady his breath, he asked his partner, "Baby... how many fingers do you have in there now?"

A minute passed as Y/N let out more lewd moans before breathlessly stuttering, "Fo-fouurr..."

'Fuck it,' thought Hongjoong as he grabbed his keys and burst out of the studio.

He didn't even bother to save the damn file or turn off the lights, his steps speeding up as he made his way to the car park.

He was going feral, his whole being screaming at him to go back home and thoroughly fuck the shit out of his partner.

It was safe to say that even though Hongjoong was a good driver, he undoubtedly ignored some red lights as he sped through the streets of Seoul heading towards his apartment.

The commute to his apartment was normally a good 30 minutes, but he somehow managed to get there in 15.

Oh, he was so going to get a speeding ticket for it.

But in that moment, he didn't care, as it was worth it.

The beautiful image of his boyfriend grinding down hard on his own fist greeted him as soon as he stepped into the bedroom.

Hongjoong's eyes blacked out as he let out a low growl, his words possessive and lustful.



Thank you to Harley223 for the request! Hope this was to your liking~

See you guys on the next one x

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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