Imagine 11: Parallel Lines [Fluff/light smut]

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Requested: Yes

Tags: Yeosang x Kelly, fluff, light smut

They were just like two parallel lines.

Two lines, which were adjacent to each other but never crossing the same point.

Kelly signed in frustration, letting her body slump back and fall on top of however had decided to be in her way. That person had just happened to be Seonghwa who was lying on the grass, stomach down reading a book.

'Oof' you heard him make a sound of complaint as he attended to squirm your way out of your weight.

But Kelly ignored his struggles opting to look around the large backyard of the boy's dorm, her eyes spotting the rest of the boys who were playing foot volleyball by themselves.

San, Wooyoung and Mingi were one team, whilst Jongho, Yunho and Hongjoong were the second team. The boys were literally screaming in hysterics as they each attempted to get the ball putting their bodies on the lines as they contorted into a weird receiving position. Wooyoung even ended up falling into a split position which he definitely did not mean to based on how he was cursing aloud and how San was rolling on the floor crying with laughter.

Kelly smiled to herself, no matter how much time passed those 8 dorks never changed.

Kelly had been best friends with the boys for years now, a random casual culinary event bringing the 9 of them together. It was funny they had all attended the event because they had been given entry leaflets at the mall but most importantly, they had been promised free food. And that is how they had ended up spending a whole day together.

She could still remember how she had been paired with Yeosang that first time after her best friend Clare had bailed on her last minute, the two of them at the time, had no experience with cooking or any form of baking. They had been tasked with the making of bread and... let me tell you it had ended up being a mess, one so big that their instructor had dismissed them early, claiming they were public health hazard.

Kelly's face broke into a grin as she remembered how Yeosang had ended up into a fit of giggles after they had been ever-so-gently been kicked out from the kitchen.

Seonghwa gave her a look of disapproval given how she was daydreaming whilst comfortably laying on top of him. He wiggled one more time trying to escape to freedom, but his skinny body just didn't have the strength.

Kelly let out a form of squeal her hands raising to cradle her own cheeks

Maybe it was from that moment onwards that she had actually ended up falling for him, but all she knew was that her feelings were so strong now that she was struggling to keep it hidden, she couldn't even pinpoint at what she had gone crazy for him.

But lately, she breathed, thought and spoke only Yeosang.

And to be honest she was not sure how to handle it, she wanted to confess really badly but she was too scared to breach that boundary of friendship that they'd be having all those years.

It was scary.

Kelly glanced at the boys who were still playing and at Seonghwa who was...

lol he was struggling

Letting out a small giggle, she finally stood up.

She did not want to bother the boys, so she decided to speak to Clare.

She had actually just been here a moment ago...

'Where did she go?' Kelly thought to herself before making her way back inside the dorm, opting to see if she had gone back in to get them some snacks.

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